
...Empowerment and Enlightenment of Womanhood

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  Name Description Activity Location
Flood Relief Work - 2019 Medical Mobile Van at Vadsar, Vadodara Relief Work Vadodara
Flood Relief Work - 2019, Vadodara : Medical Mobile Van on Service to Humanity Relief Work Vadodara
Flood Relief Work - 2019 : Medical Mobile Van at Nizampura, Vadodara

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Relief Work Vadodara
Gujarat Flood Medical Relief Relief Work Aravalli/Sabarkantha/Banaskantha
Support to Prepare Atmiya Grocery Kit - 2017 Relief Work Haridham-Sokhada
Food Packets Distribution

As a result of very heavy rains in Rajasthan, Mount Abu and North Gujarat, hundreds of Gujarat’s villages lost their contacts with other people. Under the circumstances, it becoming very necessary to reach to them immediately the ready food packets, Yogi Mahila Kendra had got 10,000 food packets with sukhadi-ganthia instantly prepared and delivered to Vadodara’s Collector to be helpful to these victims.

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Relief Work Haridham-Sokhada