...Empowerment and Enlightenment of Womanhood
Yogi Mahila Kendra, Haridham, Sokhada had organized a campaign for relief from addictions in Banaj village of Dabhoi Tal. on Tuesday, the 14th July 2015 when, the institution’s P. Smitben, P. Swadharmaben and the other volunteers had visited house to house in Rohitvas area of Banaj village and given the message of relief from addictions to the women there.
ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ Üpfp d„Nmhpf, sp. 14-07-2015“p fp¡S> X$cp¡B spgyL$p“p bpZS> “pd“p Npddp„ ìek“dy[¼s Arcep“ Qgphhpdp„ Apìey„. k„õ’p“p bl¡“p¡ ‘|.[õdsb¡“, ‘|.õh^d®b¡“, ‘|.õhuL$pfb¡“ s’p AÞe L$pe®L$sp® bl¡“p¡A¡ bpZS>“p fp¡rlshpkdp„ Of¡ Of¡ afu“¡ drlgpAp¡“¡ ìek“ dy[¼s“p¡ k„v$¡ip¡ Apàep¡ lsp¡.
Yogi Mahila Kendra, Haridham, Sokhada had organized a camp at Dhakwada (Dang, Ahava) on Sunday, the 12th July 2015 for free distribution of Notebooks and other educational stationeries to girl students. In this camp organized in the presence of P. Saujanyaben, P. Samarthben and P. Samataben around 135 girl students received a most valuable guidance about moral values in life along with the free Notebooks and other educational stationeries.
frhhpf, sp. 1f-07-2015 “p fp¡S> ^L$hpX$p (X$p„N, Aplhp) Mps¡ ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ Üpfp rhÛp’}“uAp¡“¡ äu “p¡V$byL$ s¡dS> Aæepk kpdN°u“p rhsfZ L¡$ç‘“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. ‘|. kp¥S>Þeb¡“, ‘|. kd’®b¡“ s’p ‘|. kdspb¡““u D‘[õ’rsdp„ ep¡Åe¡g Ap L$pe®¾$ddp„ Apif¡ 135 S>¡V$gu rhÛp’}“uAp¡A¡ i¥nrZL$ kp^“ kpdN°u“u kp’p¡kp’ Æh“dp„ Aæepk s¡dS> ‘pep“p “¥rsL$ d|ëep¡“u iuM d¡mhu.
A practical training session for women was conducted in the presence of P. Saujanyaben by Yogi Mahila Kendra, Haridham, Sokhada on Saturday, the 11th July 2015 to inform them the importance and the value of nourishing elements of “Salad”, a health promoting item of our diet and, the different processes of how to prepare it in which, around 20 women took part.
ir“hpf, sp. 11-07-2015 “p fp¡S> fp^pL©$óZ lp¡g, hgkpX$ dyL$pd¡ Aplpf“u õhpõÕeâv$ ‘Â^rs A¡V$g¡ "kgpX$'. Ap rhje ‘f ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ Üpfp bl¡“p¡ “¡ kgpX$“y„ ‘p¡jL$ dlÐh kdÅhu kgpX$ b“phhp“u rhrh^ ‘Â^rsAp¡ iuMhpX$hpdp„ Aphu lsu. ‘|. kp¥S>Þeb¡““u r“îpdp„ ep¡Åe¡g Ap k¡du“pf“p¡ Apif¡ 20 S>¡V$gu bl¡“p¡A¡ gpc gu^p¡ lsp¡.
A shibir/camp of suhradayee sisters in the presence of P. Sarveshwarben was organized on Wednesday, the 8th July 2015 at Surat in Modh Panch’s Wadi in which, around 650 women participate.
by^hpf, sp.08-07-2015 “p fp¡S> kyfs dyL$pd¡ dp¡Y$ ‘„Q“u hpX$udp„ îulqf âv$¡i (kyfs) “p kùv$eu bl¡“p¡“u A¡L$ rirbf“y„ Apep¡S>“ ‘|.kh£ðfb¡““u r“îpdp„ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. Ap rirbf“p¡ Apif¡ 650 S>¡V$gp bl¡“p¡A¡ gpc gu^p¡ lsp¡.
iy¾hpf s’p ir“hpf sp. 04 A“¡ 05 Sy>gpB 2015 “p fp¡S> eyr“hk}V$u Ap¡a ‘uV¹$kbN®, Älp¡ÞkV$pD“ L¡$ç‘k - ey.A¡k.A¡. Mps¡ ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ - lqf^pd Üpfp rhv$¡i“u ^fsu ‘f hksp cpfsue ‘qfhpfp¡“u qv$L$fuAp¡dp„ k„õL$pf tkQ“ A“¡ kp„õL©$rsL$ OX$sf dpV¡$ b¡ qv$hkue rirbf“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. S>¡dp„ rhrh^ v$¡ip¡dp„’u Apif¡ 350 S>¡V$gu eyhsuAp¡A¡ cpN gu^p¡ lsp¡ A“¡ cpfsue k„õL©$rs“p dyëep¡’u ‘qfrQs ’B ls$u.
The saintly sisters of Yogi Mahila Kendra, Haridham (Sokhada) toured in the different areas on the soil of U.K. during the period from 10/06/2015 to 30/06/2015 under the leadership of P. Premben and met the ladies from the Indian families staying there and made necessary efforts during this period through different programs to mix with them so that, the ancient heritage of Indian culture can be developed and preserved in the life of them and their children and, the vaidic spirit of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakama is spread among them .
ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ - lqf^pd (kp¡MX$p) “p kpÝhu bl¡“p¡A¡ ‘|. â¡db¡““u ApN¡hp“udp„ ey.L¡$.“u ^fsu ‘f sp. 10-06-2015 ’u sp. 30-06-2015 ky^u rhQfZ L$fu ey.L¡$.“p AgN-AgN rhõspfp¡dp„ hksp cpfsue ‘qfhpfp¡“p drlgpAp¡“¡ dþep. s¡d“p s’p s¡d“p k„sp“p¡“p Æh“dp„ k“ps“ cpfsue k„õL©$rs“p hpfkp“y„ tkQ“ ’pe s’p hky^¥h Ly$Vy„$bL$d¹“u h¥qv$L$ cph“p“p¡ a¡gphp¡ ’pe s¡hp l¡sy’u Ap kdeNpmp v$fçep“ rhrh^ L$pe®¾$dp¡“p dpÂed’u cpfsue ‘qfhpfp¡dp„ fkbk ’hp âeГ L$ep£.