
...Empowerment and Enlightenment of Womanhood

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On Date: 11 September 2016
Activity: Social Care
Location: UK Locationwise
Published on: 15 November 2016
On Date: 03 March 2016
Activity: Social Care
Published on: 13 October 2016
On Date: 09 December 2015
Activity: Social Care



õhõ’ bpmL$ Aphsu L$pg“y„ crhóe R>¡ A“¡ kyÖY$ fpô²$“p r“dp®Z dpV¡$ v$¡i“u cphu ‘¡Y$u“y„ OX$sf bpm‘Z’u S> ep¡Áe fus¡ ’pe s¡ Ar“hpe® R>¡... Aphp A¡L$ Ddv$p l¡sy kp’¡ ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ“p fpS>L$p¡V$ OV$L¡$ bpm L¡$mhZu ‘f X$p¸.rd“pnub¡“ A¡“. dl¡sp“p hL$sìe“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$ey¯ lsy„. by^hpf, sp.09-12-2015“p fp¡S> kp„S>¡ 4:00 ’u 5:30 v$fçep“ ep¡Nu^pd NyfyLy$g Mps¡ Apep¡Æs Ap k¡du“pf“p¡ Apif¡ 70 S>¡V$gp bl¡“p¡A¡ gpc gu^p¡ lsp¡.

On Date: 17 July 2015
Activity: Social Care

In the presence of elderly saint sister P. Sarveshwarben and under the guidance of regional saint sister P. Sukmuniben and other elderly sisters of the region, Yogi Mahila Kendra had organized a Women Awakening Campaign-Shibir on Friday, the 17th July 2015 in Kachhi Patel’s Wadi at Jambusar in which, nearly 500 women from Akshar Pradesh had participated. 

iy¾$hpf, sp. 17-07-2015 “p fp¡S> S>„bykf dyL$pd¡ L$pR>uep ‘V¡$g hpX$udp„, ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ Üpfp drlgp ÅN©rs Arcep“ A„sN®s âpv$¡riL$ k„sbl¡“ ‘|. iyL$dy“ub¡“ s’p âv$¡i“p hX$ug bl¡“p¡“p dpN®v$i®“ l¡W$m A¡L$ kcp“y„ Apep¡S>“ hX$ug k„sbl¡“ ‘|. kh£ðfb¡““u r“îpdp„ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. Ap kcp“p¡ Anf âv$¡i“p Apif¡ 500 S>¡V$gp bl¡“p¡A¡ gpc gu^p¡ lsp¡.

On Date: 08 July 2015
Activity: Social Care

A shibir/camp of suhradayee sisters in the presence of P. Sarveshwarben was organized on Wednesday, the 8th July 2015 at Surat in Modh Panch’s Wadi in which, around 650 women participate.

by^hpf, sp.08-07-2015 “p fp¡S> kyfs dyL$pd¡ dp¡Y$ ‘„Q“u hpX$udp„ îulqf âv$¡i (kyfs) “p kùv$eu bl¡“p¡“u A¡L$ rirbf“y„ Apep¡S>“ ‘|.kh£ðfb¡““u r“îpdp„ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. Ap rirbf“p¡ Apif¡ 650 S>¡V$gp bl¡“p¡A¡ gpc gu^p¡ lsp¡.

AYS 2015 USA
On Date: 05 July 2015
Activity: Social Care

iy¾hpf s’p ir“hpf sp. 04 A“¡ 05 Sy>gpB 2015 “p fp¡S> eyr“hk}V$u Ap¡a ‘uV¹$kbN®, Älp¡ÞkV$pD“ L¡$ç‘k - ey.A¡k.A¡. Mps¡ ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ - lqf^pd Üpfp rhv$¡i“u ^fsu ‘f hksp cpfsue ‘qfhpfp¡“u qv$L$fuAp¡dp„ k„õL$pf tkQ“ A“¡ kp„õL©$rsL$ OX$sf dpV¡$ b¡ qv$hkue rirbf“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. S>¡dp„ rhrh^ v$¡ip¡dp„’u Apif¡ 350 S>¡V$gu eyhsuAp¡A¡ cpN gu^p¡ lsp¡ A“¡ cpfsue k„õL©$rs“p dyëep¡’u ‘qfrQs ’B ls$u.