
...Empowerment and Enlightenment of Womanhood

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On Date: 21 June 2019
Activity: Medical Care

As part of the International Yoga Day celebrations, Yogi Mahila Kendra had arranged a Yoga session at Ahmedabad between 9:00 am & 10:00 am on Friday, the 21st June 2019. In which, around 30 ladies had participated from Ahmedabad where they got the practical training of yoga and learnt about basic principles of maintaining good and proper health.


Yoga at Naroda
On Date: 21 June 2015
Activity: Yoga

Yogi Mahila Kendra had arranged a Yoga Shibir at Narayan Farm, Naroda (Ahmedabad—Suhrad Pradesh) between 6.30 am & 8.00 am on Sunday, the 21st June 2015 in which, around 60 ladies had participated from Naroda, Nadipar and Central City where they got the practical training of yoga and learnt about basic principles of maintaining good and proper health. 

frhhpf, sp.21-06-2015“p fp¡S> ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ Üpfp “pfpeZ apd® - “fp¡X$p (Adv$phpv$-kyùv$ âv$¡i) Mps¡ khpf¡ 6:30 ’u 8:00 v$fçep“ Ap„sffpô²ue ep¡N qv$hk DS>hhpdp„ Apìep¡ lsp¡. S>¡dp„ “fp¡X$p, “v$u‘pf s’p dÂekuV$u“p Apif¡ 60 S>¡V$gp bl¡“p¡A¡ cpN gu^p¡ lsp¡ A“¡ ep¡N“u âpep¡rNL$ sprgd d¡mhu Apfp¡Áe“u õhõ’sp Åmhhp dpV$¡“p ‘pep“p rkÙp„sp¡“u ÅZL$pfu d¡mhu lsu.

On Date: 01 June 2014
Activity: Medical Care

With the Inspiration of H.D.H. P.P. Hariprasad Swamiji, Yogi Mahila Kendra has been involved in organizing various social activities. As a part of this activities an even of Blood Donation was organized by Suhrad Pradesh (Naroda Mandal) along with Leuva Patidar Samaj - Naroda on 1st June 2014.

sp.01/06/2014“p fp¡S> ApÐdue eyhp dlp¡Ðkh-2015“p D‘¾$d¡ kyùv$ âv$¡i - “fp¡X$p d„X$m Üpfp s’p îu g¡Dhp ‘pV$uv$pf kdpS>, “fp¡X$p“p kp¥S>Þe’u ApÐdue ågX$ X$p¡“¡i“ L¡$ç‘“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„.