...Empowerment and Enlightenment of Womanhood
The lady volunteers, other ladies and the girls from Yogi Mahila Kendra had made an effort of popularizing the message of Clean India Campaign launched by the P.M. of India Sri Narendrabhai Modi and to bring awareness among the general public about cleanliness in the society and by jointly doing a cleaning work at Khadgad village of Nandod Tal. in Narmada Zilla on 27th January 2017.
cpfs“p hX$pâ^p“îu “f¡ÞÖcpB dp¡v$uA¡ iê$ L$fph¡g õhÃR> cpfs Arcep““¡ ìep‘L$ b“phu“¡ kdpS>dp„ õhÃR>sp A„N¡ ÅN©rs L¡$mhhp“p¡ âepk ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ“p drlgp L$pe®L$sp®Ap¡, bl¡“p¡ A“¡ eyhsuAp¡A¡ c¡Np dmu“¡ “d®v$p rS>‰p“p “p„v$p¡X$ spgyL$p“p MX$Nv$$p dyL$pd¡ sp. 27-$01-$2017“p fp¡S kapB Arcep““p dpÝed’u >L$ep£ lsp¡.
P. Smitben, P. Suyogben, P. Swikarben and the volunteers and girls from Yogi Mahila Kedra had planted 15 trees in the ground of Brahmeshwar Yog Temple in Kayavarohan on Thursday, the 26th January 2017 to cooperate in the preservation of climate and to give a clean/pure atmosphere to the future generation.
Nyê$hpf, sp.26-01-2017“p fp¡S> ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ“p ‘|.[õdsb¡“, ‘|.kyep¡Nb¡“, ‘|.õhuL$pfb¡“ s’p drlgp L$pe®L$sp®Ap¡ A“¡ eyhsuAp¡A¡ L$pephfp¡lZ dyL$pd¡ Aph¡g b°û¡ðf ep¡N d„qv$f“p Qp¡Np“dp„ 15 h©np¡ fp¡‘u“¡ ‘ep®hfZ ÅmhZudp„ klL$pf Ap‘hp“u kp’¡ cphu ‘¡Y$u“¡ õhÃR> hpsphfZ dm¡ s¡ dpV¡$ âepk L$ep£ lsp¡.
On Thursday, the 26th January 2017, P. Smitben, P. Suyogben, P. Swikarben and the lady volunteers and girls from Yogi Mahila Kendra had planted 25 trees on both the sides of border of the ground of High School of Mandana village of Dabhoi Taluka for the preservation of environment when the S.D.M. of Dabhoi Taluka Khyatiben Patel also remained present.
Nyê$hpf, sp.26-01-2017“p fp¡S> ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ“p ‘|.[õdsb¡“, ‘|.kyep¡Nb¡“, ‘|.õhuL$pfb¡“ s’p drlgp L$pe®L$sp®Ap¡ A“¡ eyhsuAp¡A¡ X$cp¡B spgyL$p“p d„X$pZp dyL$pd¡ Aph¡g lpBõL|$g“p ‘V$p„NZ“u kflv$“u A„v$f s’p blpf“u bpSy> 25 h©np¡ fp¡‘u ‘ep®hfZ ÅmhZu dpV¡$“p¡ âepk L$ep£ lsp¡. Ap L$pe®¾$ddp„ X$cp¡B spgyL$p“p A¡k.X$u.A¡d. ¿epsub¡“ ‘V¡$g ‘Z D‘[õ’s füp„ lsp„.
On account of Republic Day of India, under the “Clean India Campaign”, around 40 ladies and girls had, under the guidance and leadership of the sadhvi sisters of Yogi Mahila Kendra, P. Smitben, P. Suyogben and P. Swikarben had on Thursday, 26th January 2017 cleaned the premises of Brahmeshwar Yog Mandir and its garden of Kayavarohan village in Dabhoi Tal. of Vadodara Dist. to realize the motto, “Cleanliness only is the real patriotism” and thus, had given the message of keeping cleanliness to the villagers there.
cpfs“p NZs„Ó ‘h® r“rdÑ¡ Nyfyhpf, sp.26-01-2017“p fp¡S> õhÃR> cpfs Arcep“ A„sN®s "õhÃR>sp A¡ S> v$¡ic[¼s' k|Ó“¡ kp’®L$ L$fsp„ hX$p¡v$fp Ɖp“p, X$cp¡B spgyL$p“p L$pephfp¡lZ Npd¡¡ ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ“p kpÝhu bl¡“p¡ ‘|.[õdsb¡“, ‘|.kyep¡Nb¡“ s’p ‘|.õhuL$pfb¡““u ApN¡hp“udp„ 40 S>¡V$gp bl¡“p¡ s’p eyhsuAp¡A¡ b°û¡ðf ep¡N d„qv$f“p âp„NZ A“¡ bNuQp“u kapB L$fu“¡ NpdhpkuAp¡“¡ õhÃR>sp Åmhhp“p¡ k„v$¡ip¡ Apàep¡ lsp¡..
To celebrate the 68th republic day of India in a most memorable way, the lady volunteers, ladies and the girls from Yogi Mahila Kendra had advertised the motto, “Cleanliness only is the real patriotism” to spread the message of Clean India given by the P.M. Sri Narendrabhai Modi by cleaning Kalidoli village on Thursday, the 26th January 2017 through a cleanliness campaign and had spread the message of cleanliness to surrounding people in which, around 50 ladies had participated and had cleaned the ground of Kalidoli village right up to Swaminarayan Farm.
cpfs“p NZs„Ó qv$hk r“rdÑ¡ "õhÃR>sp A¡ S> fpô²$c[¼s' k|Ó A“ykpf, hX$pâ^p“îu “f¡ÞÖcpB dp¡v$uA¡ iê$ L$fph¡g õhÃR> cpfs Arcep““¡ ìep‘L$ b“phu“¡ kdpS>dp„ õhÃR>sp A„N¡ ÅN©rs L¡$mhhp“p¡ âepk ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ“p drlgp L$pe®L$sp®Ap¡, bl¡“p¡ A“¡ eyhsuAp¡A¡ c¡Np dmu“¡ L$pmuX$p¡mu dyL$pd¡ Nyfyhpf, sp. 26-$01-$2017“p fp¡S kapB Arcep““p dpÝed’u >L$ep£ lsp¡. Ap Arcep“dp„ L$pmuX$p¡mu rhõspf“p drlgp L$pe®L$sp®Ap¡“u ApN¡hp“udp„ 50 S>¡V$gp bl¡“p¡A¡ L$pmuX$p¡mu Npd“p Qp¡L$’u gB“¡ õhprd“pfpeZ apd® ky^u“p¡ fõsp¡ kpa L$fu N°pdS>“p¡“¡ õhÃR>sp“p¡ k„v$¡i Apàep¡ lsp¡.
In the Govt.’s official Flag Salutation program arranged in the vast ground of High School at Mandala on Thursday, the 26th January 2017 to celebrate the 68th Republic Day of India, the sadhvi sisters P. Smitben P. Suyogben, P. Swikarben and the volunteer ladies from Yogi Mahila Kendra had also joined. The flag salutation was done at the hands of taluka’s S.D.M. Smt. Khyatiben K. Patel where, the political-social leaders, Govt. officers and the residents from Mandala village, totally around 1200 persons had saluted the national flag to exhibit their patriotism.
cpfs“p 68dp NZs„Ó ‘h® r“rdÑ¡ Nyfyhpf, sp.26du ÅÞeyApfu, 2017“p fp¡S> d„X$pmp dyL$pd¡ lpBõL|$g“p rhipm ‘V$p„NZdp„ ep¡Åe¡g kfL$pf“p kÑphpf ÝhS>h„v$“ L$pe®¾$ddp„ ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ“p kpÝhu bl¡“p¡ ‘|.[õdsb¡“, ‘|.kyep¡Nb¡“, ‘|.õhuL$pfb¡“ s’p drlgp L$pe®L$sp®Ap¡ A“¡ bl¡“p¡ Å¡X$pep lsp. spgyL$p“p A¡k.X$u.A¡d. îu ¿eprsb¡“ L¡$. ‘V¡$g“p lp’¡ ÝhS>h„v$“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. S>¡dp„ fpS>L$ue-kpdpÆL$ AN°ZuAp¡, kfL$pfu Adgv$pfp¡’u gB d„X$pmp Npd“p “NfS>“p¡ krls Apif¡ 1200 gp¡L$p¡A¡ fpô²$ÝhS>“¡ kgpdu Ap‘u fpô²$c[¼s Av$p L$fu lsu.
The occasion of 68th Republic Day of India was celebrated by P. Suhasben, P. Satyaprakashben, P. Sadbodhben and the other sisters of Yogi Divine Society along with the school’s principal, teachers and the students of Sri Arvind Boarding School at Timba, Tal. Sankheda, Zilla Chhota udepur with 150 others.
õhs„Ó cpfs“p 68dp âÅkÑpL$ ‘h® r“rdÑ¡ îu Afthv$ R>pÓpge, dy. V$]bp, sp. k„M¡X$p, rS>. R>p¡V$p Dv$¡‘yf Mps¡ ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ“p ‘|. kylpkb¡“, ‘|. kÐeâL$pib¡“, ‘|. kv¹$bp¡^b¡“ s’p AÞe bl¡“p¡ A“¡ ipmp“p ApQpe®, rinL$NZ s’p rhÛp’}Ap¡ krls 150 gp¡L$p¡A¡ cpN gB fpô²$c[¼s“p Ap ‘h®“u DS>hZu L$fu lsu.