
...Empowerment and Enlightenment of Womanhood

Women's Day - 2016, Vadodara

On Date: 06 March 2016
Activity: Social Care



On account of “World Women Day’, the 8th March, Yogi Mahila Kendra had organized a program of celebrating this day by women on 6th March 2016 in Kachhiya Patel Wadi in Vadodara as a part of its campaign of Women Upliftment in which 325 ladies had participated.

To begin with, the regional saint sister P. Suyoginben, Smt. Sulabhaben Manjure (Rtd. Sr. I.T. Officer, Vadodara), Smt. Ulkaben Shevde (I.T. Officer, Co. Ass.) and Smt. Shamimben Saiyad (I.T. Officer, Ward Ass.) were welcomed by the volunteer sisters.

While talking about Smt. Sulabhaben Manjure, working on such a highest post in Govt. Dept. as the Sr. I.T. Officer, the two lady officers from her department described the incidents of her life while also narrating her praise worthy qualities before the women present there.

Smt. Ulkaben, who also had reached up to a post of I.T. Officer on the strength of her own eligibility and was present there in the shibir, also described the qualities of Smt. Sulabhaben like her persistence, discipline and obeying the rules by presenting the related different incidents in her life. At the same time, she also advised the participants that, there is absolutely no alternative to hard work for success, progress and achievement in any of the fields. She also talked of courage to them and said that, we must always keep the higher goals in life to get the success.

Then, Smt. Shamimben, who comes from a minority muslim society, also said, while advising to face every challenges of life with due courage that, today also, in this men led/dominated society, the woman has always got to face a conflict in one way or the other. Whether it is in the field of politics or business, the progress by women is looked at by men with an eye of envy and jealousy. Even today also, the women have to be the victims of cheap comments and physical harassments. We only will have to come forward to challenge these situations. In her speech, she said that, while providing adequate/right education to our daughters, we will have to make them physically also adequately capable. While narrating the qualities of Sulabhaben, she said that, she never felt/experienced any smallness even in doing any smallest work and she always did all her own works own-self and said that, although she was such a big officer, instead of showing unwanted awe, because she worked with courtesy and mildness, all the staff members who have worked with her, are remembering her even today also with the same respect.

While speaking, Smt. Sulabhaben said that, all the credit of her total maturity goes to the sadhvi sisters of Yogi Mahila Kendra P. Premben, P. Sarveshwarben and other sisters and thanked them all for the same and further said that, the qualities like good culture, discipline and the persistence all are also due to the care and hard work for/behind her by the sisters of the institution. She further told the women present there that, if we have the company of good people and positivity in our life, we will never fail in our efforts in any conflicts in the life and will surely achieve success today or tomorrow.

While speaking in the end, the regional saint sister P. Suyoginben said that, woman has been regarded, seen and worshiped as a form of “Power” in the Indian culture but, she herself has lost this status and glory of her in blindly following/imitating the Western Culture today. Though she does work today with shoulder to shoulder with male, she has totally lost, forgotten and kept somewhere aside her original cultures of discipline and respect for others today as a result of which, she only has to face and bear many adverse/harmful results/consequences. She alerted all by saying that, if the women themselves only don’t cultivate good/proper/right culture in their children today, the entire society will become uncultured tomorrow and they only will have to face/bear all the deadly/harmful results/consequences of the same in the form of a daughters or the wives and advised all the women present there to live a cultured and moral life and also to give the said qualities to their children in their heritage.

All the young girls attending this meeting had, in the end, declared and firmly admitted that, they had got totally a new look at and a new approach of life from whatever they had heard/learnt here and, all the invitee women guests also had appreciated it very highly and had suggested to repeat such programs of women upliftment by Yogi Mahila Kendra.

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