
...Empowerment and Enlightenment of Womanhood

Volunteer's Shibir - March 20, 2010, Haridham

On Date: 20 March 2010

All the elderly sisters of Bhakti Ashram, Haridham had collectively organized a shibir for 1 & ½ days on 20th & 21st March 2010 for girls and the lady workers in the premises of Haridham in which, nearly 325 maktas from different regions had participated.

In the beginning of the first day, the Thakorjee and the worker muktas were welcomed with a salute of band by muktas of Bhakti Ashram. All the sisters, ladies and worker sisters came to the audience hall after taking the darshans of Thakorjee in the temple and making pradakshinas there chanting bhajans-kirtans throughout where, the regional saint sisters welcomed them by presenting to them the flowers performing their pujans.

The elderly sisters lit a lamp in the beginning of the shibir and, with the Jayghos, the shibir got started for 1& ½ days during which, in all, 8 regional saint sisters and 6 worker muktas spoke on different subjects.

Elderly bhagvadi P. Suhradben, very naturally and selflessly like a mother, taught everybody through her speech, as to how should be our attitude for the cleanliness, accuracy, perfectness and our attachment to Haridham and, also for giving and developing in their children about the qualities of culture, their physical wellbeing, moral and spiritual understanding by minutely observing and noting all these with others over a period of time. She also said that, all the rushipatnies must try to make their homes a temple by acting and behaving in a disciplined and self- controlled life.

P. Saurabhben in her speech said that, he, who accepts and tolerates everything as it is, when it is, wherever it is and however it is, is the real and ideal worker. While analyzing a woman’s nature, she said, as soon she gets a little free, she will surely tend to go to sleep because, she is full of laziness and body conscience and she also very beautifully described the Gurubhakti of P.P. Swamiji.

While calling P. Suyogiben, Germany a real and an ideal worker, P. Smitalben also narrated about her life style and informed about her marvelous dedication made for creating/establishing an entirely a new supreme mahila mandal there at the cost of her own mind, body, health and wealth, who lives by taking/treating every simple statement in satsang seriously with its due importance at its real sense.

P. Sagarben, in her dynamic speech, described the qualities of a real worker. P. Sahjikben said, a real worker should be saint and satsang oriented and not the intercourse oriented. He himself should always be positive and must always be guiding everybody in satsang towards God even in adverse situations by making them positive. We can achieve our goals only if our eyes are always towards Guruhari P.P. Swamiji and our Gunatit leaders.

P. Sarvamangalben said 2 things with a stroke that he, who properly utilizes his time is called a worker. She talked on a subject that, the real worker always is universal. P. Suyogiben explained as to how a worker should get his/her work done under any type of circumstances. She narrated an incident to show as to how P. Suhrad had encouraged one suhradayee to return from her weak/frustrating thoughts by showing her own need. P. Sarvatitben said, a real worker always spends/devotes/uses his mind, body and the wealth for satsang and always feels happy or unhappy for other satangi’s happiness or grief/pains/sorrows and always converts every incident into a festival easily.

P.M. Heenben (Sarbhan) very beautifully presented a picture of P.P. Swamiji’s love and affection for/towards every devotee and described how He loves them more than His own self and how He forgets His everything and for this, she presented relevant incidents/examples of Him which drew tears in everybody’s eyes and compelled them to do introspection.

P.M. Shilpaben (Mumbai), who spoke very first time, explained why the positivity is necessary and what type of role it plays in our life. She said, every worker has his accountability/responsibility 20 % towards his family and 80 % towards Satsang.

P.M. Aparnaben-Rajkot, Tinaben-Surat and Punamben-Ahmedabad also described the qualities of a worker.

P. Jayaben (Mammy) put a prayer at the feet of P.P. Swamiji on behalf of all the satsangi women to make them all to be able to serve the girls in the best possible way.

By listening to the incidents of all the devotees and thinking of their life described here, all the women attending this meeting felt very proud for having a chance of living life with such people. Everybody dispersed with a determination at their hearts to develop all these qualities heard of here, in their own life.

      c[¼sApîd_p„ klz hX$ug bl¡_p¡A¡ c¡Np dmu_¡ sp.20-21/3/2010_p fp¡S> lqf^pd_p âp„NZdp„ v$p¡Y$ qv$hk_u bl¡_p¡ eyhp-drlgp L$pe®L$sp®Ap¡_u rirbf_y„ Apep¡S>_ L$ey¯ lsy„. s¡dp„ AgN AgN âv¡$idp„\u Apif¡ 325 dy¼sp¡A¡ gpc gu^p¡ lsp¡.

khpf¡ c[¼sApîd_p„ dy¼sp¡A¡ b¡ÞX$ Üpfp kgpdu Ap`u îuW$pL$p¡fÆ A_¡ L$pe®L$sp® dy¼sp¡_y„ õhpNs L$ey¯. cS>_-L$us®_ kp\¡ klº bl¡_p¡, L$pe®L$sp®bl¡_p¡ d„qv$f¡ v$i®_$ L$fu, âv$rnZp L$fu ip¡cpepÓp kp\¡ kcp_p lp¡gdp„ `^pep® lsp. Ðep„ âpv¡$riL$ k„s bl¡_p¡A¡ klz L$pe®L$sp® dy¼sp¡_y„ `|S>_ L$fu, `yó` A`®Z L$ey¯.

rirbf_p âpf„c¡ hX$ug bl¡_p¡ Üpfp v$u` âpNV$é
\ey„ A_¡ S>eOp¡j kp\¡ rirbf_u iê$Aps L$fu. v$p¡Y$ qv$hk_u rirbfdp„ 8 âpv¡$riL$ k„sbl¡_p¡ A_¡ 6 L$pe®L$sp® dy¼sp¡A¡ AgN AgN rhjep¡ D`f Av¹$cys gpc Apàep¡ lsp¡.

hX$ug cNhv$u `|. kyùv$bl¡_¡ M|b S> klS>sp\u, r_f`¡ncph¡ A¡L$ dp `p¡sp_p _p_p bpmL$_¡ ipfuqfL$, dp_rkL$, _¥rsL$ _¡ ApÝep[ÐdL$ k„õL$pf Ap`¡ s¡ fus¡ õhÃR>sp, Qp¡L$kpB, QuhV$pB, lqf^pd âÐe¡_y„ ddÐh L¡$hy„ lp¡hy„ Å¡BA¡ s¡ A„N¡ kOmu _p_u _p_u bpbsp¡ Ýep_dp„ fpMu, _p¢^ L$fu_¡ M|b S> Av¹$cys gpc Apàep¡ lsp¡.

F>rj`Ð_uAp¡A¡ dep®v$p`|Z® A_¡ õh^d£ey¼s Æh_ Æhhy„ Å¡BA¡. Of_¡ d„qv$f L¡$hu fus¡ b_phhy„.

`|. kp¥fcbl¡_¡ A¡L$ Apv$i® L$pe®L$sp® "S>¡d s¡d, S>¡hy„ s¡hy„, Äepf¡ Ðepf¡, Äep„ Ðep„ Qgphu g¡..' s¡ A„N¡ hpsp¡ L$fu lsu. A¡dZ¡ ÷u âL©$rs_y„ hZ®_ L$fsp„ L$üy„ lsy„ L¡$ ÷u _hfu `X¡$ A¡V$g¡ k|B S> Åe. s¡_pdp„ M|b S> Apmk A_¡ v¡$lcph fl¡gp R>¡ s¡ A„N¡ hpsp¡ L$fu lsu A_¡ Ny{$lqf õhpduîu_u Ny{$c[¼s_y„ Av¹$cys hZ®_ L$ey¯ lsy„.

`|. [õdsgbl¡_¡ A¡L$ Apv$i® L$pe®L$sp® `|. kyep¡Nub¡_-S>d®_u_y„ Æh_v$i®_ L$fpìey„ lsy„ L¡$ s¡dZ¡ s_, d_, ^__p¡ L¡$hp¡ cp¡N Ap`u_¡ _hp d„X$m_y„ kS>®_ L$ey¯ R>¡. Aë` hQ__¡ `Z s¡Ap¡ L¡$hy„ dls¹ dp_u_¡ Æh¡ R>¡.. A¡ hps L$fu lsu..

`|. kpNfbl¡_¡ A¡d_u i|fhufspcfu hpZudp„ L$pe®L$sp® L¡$hp¡ lp¡hp¡ Å¡BA¡ ? s¡ rhje `f gpc Apàep¡ lsp¡. `|. kplrS>L$bl¡_¡ Np¡r›$dp„ S>Zpìe„y L¡$ L$pe®L$sp® ìehlpfâ^p_ _rl `f„sy k„sâ^p_ A_¡ kÐk„Nâ^p_ Æh_ Æhsp¡ lp¡hp¡ Å¡BA¡. L$pe®L$sp® l„d¡ip„ `p¸TuV$uh lp¡e A_¡ rh^rh^ âk„Np¡dp„ d„X$m_p dy¼sp¡_¡ `p¸TuV$uh fpMu_¡ âcy sfa_u epÓp L$fphsp¡ lp¡hp¡ Å¡BA¡. Ny{lqf õhpduîu A_¡ NyZpsus `yfyjp¡ S> r_ip_ lp¡e sp¡ S> ^pey¯ r_ip_ `pf `pX$u iL$pe..

`|. kh®d„Ngbl¡_¡ b¡ hps_u V$L$p¡f L$fu lsu L¡$ kde_p¡ kvy$`ep¡N L$f¡ A¡ kpQp¡ L$pe®L$sp®. L$pd `|fy„ _ \pe Ðep„ ky^u A¡ d„X$ép¡ S> fl¡ A¡_¡ kde_u Ahr^ S> _ lp¡e A¡_y„ _pd L$pe®L$sp®. L$pe®L$sp® kh®v¡$iue lp¡hp¡ Å¡BA¡ s¡ A„N¡ hpsp¡ L$fu lsu.

`|. kyep¡Nu_bl¡_¡ L$pe®L$sp®A¡ kde¡ kde¡ L$mp L$fu_¡ `p¡sp_y„ L$pe® L¡$hu fus¡ kp^hy„ s¡ A„N¡ hpsp¡ L$fu lsu. dp¡mp rhQpfdp„ Aphu Ne¡gp A¡L$ kùv$eu_¡ NfS> fpMu_¡ L¡$hu fus¡ DÐkprls L$ep® s¡_y„ `|. kyùv$_p âk„N Üpfp hZ®_ L$ey¯ lsy„.

`|. khp®susbl¡_¡ L$ü„y L¡$ Mf¡Mfp¡ L$pe®L$sp® l„d¡ip„ s_, d_, ^_\u Okpsp¡ S> lp¡e R>¡. c¼sp¡_p kyM¡ kyMu _¡ vy$:M¡ vy$:Mu b_u, NdNu_ âk„Np¡_¡ lmhpi\u, Ap_„v$ L$fphsp L$fphsp„ L¡$hu fus¡ DÐkhdp„ a¡fhhp Å¡BA¡ s¡_y„ Av¹$cys hZ®_ L$ey¯ lsy„.

`.dy. lu_pbl¡_ (kfcpZ)A¡ ApÐdbyqÙ _¡ âurs_y„ hZ®_ L$fsp S>Zpìe„y L¡$, Ny{lqf õhpduîu_¡ v$¡l L$fsp„ c¼sp¡ rhi¡j ìlpgp R>¡ A_¡ A¡d_u k¡hp c[¼sdp„ L¡$hp Mp¡hpB Åe R>¡; s¡_p
d__ue âk„Np¡ L$üp lsp. L$p¡B_¡ `Z A„s×®rô$ L$fph¡ _¡ Ap„Mdp„ Ap„ky gphu v¡$ A¡hy„ Av¹$cys Ny{$lqf õhpduîu_p Æh__y„ hZ®_ L$ey¯ lsy„.

`.dy. rië`pb¡_ (dy„bC)A¡ â\d hMs gpc Ap`sp `p¸TuV$uhuV$u Æh_dp„ L¡$hu fus¡ dv$v$ê$` \pe R>¡ A_¡ L¡$d Ar_hpe® R>¡ s¡_y„ r_ê$`Z L$ey¯ lsy„. s¡dZ¡ S>Zpìey„ L¡$ S>¡ L$pe®L$sp® R>¡ A¡_u Of_u S>hpbv$pfu 20% R>¡, _¡ kÐk„N_u 80% S>hpbv$pfu R>¡.

`.dy. A`®Zpb¡_ fpS>L$p¡V$, V$u_pb¡_(kyfs) _¡ `|_db¡_ (Adv$phpv$)A¡ `Z L$pe®L$sp® L¡$hp lp¡hp¡ Å¡BA¡ s¡ A„N¡ ky„v$f hpsp¡ L$fu lsu.

`|. S>epbl¡_ (dçdu)A¡ kq¾$e b_u_¡ eyhsud„X$m_u khp£`fu k¡hp \pe A_¡ kÐk„Nu eyhsuAp¡_y„ S>s_ \C iL¡$ s¡ dpV¡$ õhpduîu_p QfZp¡dp„ klº hsu âp\®_p d|L$u lsu.

rirbfdp„ c¼sp¡_p âk„Np¡ kp„cmu_¡, A¡d_y„ Æh_v$i®_
r_lpmu_¡ klz L$pe®L$sp® bl¡_p¡_¡ M|b Nh® \sp¡ lsp¡ L¡$ L¡$hp kdpS>dp„ Ap`Z_¡ fl¡hp_y„ dþey„..! klz c¼sp¡ kpnps¹ su\®dp„ M|b S> drldp\u, M|b S> c[¼s\u, kp„cm¡gu hpsp¡_¡ ApÐdkps L$fhp dpV¡$_p W$fph kp\¡ cS>_ L$fsp„ L$fsp„ rhv$pe \ep„.