...Empowerment and Enlightenment of Womanhood
On Thursday, the 26th January 2017, P. Smitben, P. Suyogben, P. Swikarben and the lady volunteers and girls from Yogi Mahila Kendra had planted 25 trees on both the sides of border of the ground of High School of Mandna village of Dabhoi Taluka for the preservation of environment when the S.D.M. of Dabhoi Taluka Khyatiben Patel also remained present.
In the name of industrialization and urbanization necessary for progress, the most important elements for the preservation of environment, the trees, are being cut discriminately nowadays resulting in the increase of pollution and global warming every year. Moreover, several small living species all over the world also are on the verge of total extinction due to their inability to adjust with the changes in the climate and, nobody can afford to ignore this international danger. Hence, to contribute whatever little they can, the sisters from Yogi Mahila Kendra had planted these trees at Mandana village in an effort of saving the climate from increasing pollution.
On this important day for our republic nation, the S.D.M. of Dabhoi Tal., Khyatiben Patel, who also was present there, herself planted a tree and gave the message for the preservation of environment. After the flag salutation, the principal, the teachers of the school and the citizens from Mandana village and its surrounding areas also remained present in this program.
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