
...Empowerment and Enlightenment of Womanhood

Cooking Workshop, Ahmedabad

On Date: 25 April 2015


The sisters of Mahila Mandal, Suhrad Pradesh (Ahmedabad) of Yogi Mahila Kendra had arranged a “Cooking Workshop” in Naroda, Ahmedabad on Saturday, the 25th April 2015 under the guidance of Sadhvi Sagar and Sadhvi Sukhcharan. It is an art and the speciality of a housewife to add good taste and variety in her cooking. In order to develop and to add to this skill of them, Sadhvi Sukhcharan very nicely and in a very interesting manner, explained, demonstrated and taught the recipe of Panipuri, Tripple Toast and Manchurian and the ingredients used in them.

In the end, even a print of the recipe of all these items was distributed to all the attendents.

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kpÝhu kyMQfZ¡ ‘pZu‘yfu“u ‘yfu, rÓ‘g V$p¡õV$ A“¡ dÞÃeyfue“ Ap b^u hp“NuAp¡“u f¡ku‘u s¡dS> s¡dp„ ¼ep„ Ingredients h‘fpe A¡“y„ r“v$i®“ ky„v$f fus¡ Apàey„ lsy„. A“¡ D‘[õ’s drlgpAp¡“¡ Ap hp“NuAp¡ b“phsp„ k„yv$f fus¡ iuMhpX$é„y lsy„.

A„sdp„ A¡ hp“NuAp¡“u f¡ku‘u gM¡g âuÞV$ ‘Z Ap‘u lsu.