
...Empowerment and Enlightenment of Womanhood

Blood Donation Camp, Ahmedbad - 2014

On Date: 01 June 2014
Activity: Medical Care

Nyfylqf ‘.‘|. õhpduîu“u â¡fZp’u ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ, lqf^pd, kp¡MX$p Üpfp rhrh^ kpdprS>L$ âh©rÑAp¡ L$fhpdp„ Aph¡ R>¡. s¡“p cpNê$‘¡ sp.01/06/2014“p fp¡S> ApÐdue eyhp dlp¡Ðkh-2015“p D‘¾$d¡ kyùv$ âv$¡i - “fp¡X$pd„X$m Üpfp s’p îu g¡Dhp ‘pV$uv$pf kdpS>, “fp¡X$p“p kp¥S>Þe’u ApÐdue ågX$ X$p¡“¡i“ L¡$ç‘“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„.

ågX$ L¡$ç‘dp„ klº bl¡“p¡A¡ DÐkplc¡f cpN gC“¡ 50 ’u h^pf¡ bp¡V$g ågX$ AÂe®õhê$‘¡ A‘®Z L$ey¯. f¡X$ ¾$p¡k kp¡kpeV$u s’p kp¡gp kuhug lp¸[õ‘V$g Üpfp ågX$ L$g¡¼i“ dpV¡$ k„yv$f klep¡N âpá ’ep¡!

 With the Inspiration of H.D.H. P.P. Hariprasad Swamiji, Yogi Mahila Kendra has been involved in organizing various social activities. As a part of this activities an even of Blood Donation was organized by Suhrad Pradesh (Naroda Mandal) along with Leuva Patidar Samaj - Naroda on 1st June 2014.

The Blood Donation camp was set open by Shri Bharatbhai Patel (Naroda ward Cooperator), Dineshbhai Kakariya (Kariya Group), P.Ramkaka and P.Ranchhodbhai Prajapati by lighting up lamps. The Blood Donation camp was able to get more than 50 bottles of blood from Sahradyee and females of the society with the support if Solo Civil Hospital and Red cross society.