
...Empowerment and Enlightenment of Womanhood

World Malaria Day - 2015, Gabheni

On Date: 25 April 2015

Since the year 2013, the 25th April is being observed as “World Malaria Day”. On account of this, an open general meeting was organized at 2 pm on Saturday, the 25th April 2015 in Harisumiran Hall, Gabheni by Gabheni Mandal of Sunrut Pradesh under Yogi Mahila Kendra to develop and spread awareness about this disease among the general public.

In this meeting, Shri Umeshbhai, through a Powerpoint presentation, showed and explained as to how does the Malaria develop, how do its bacteria enter human body, what are its symptoms, what precautions should be taken to prevent it, how to save life from its attack in the surrounding society and also as to how we can reduce the molestation of it by keeping clean our homes and the surrounding premises.

All the 80 ladies and girls who attended this meeting from the nearby villages like Gabheni, Jiyav, Bidiya, Dundi and Unn vowed to keep their homes and its surrounding areas neat and clean to give support in maintaining cleanliness.

hj® 2013 ’u sp. 25 A¡râg kdN° rhðdp„ hëX®$ d¡g¡qfep qv$“ sfuL¡$ DS>hpe R>¡ s¡ r“rdÑ¡ kdN° S>“ kdpS>dp„ d¡g¡qfep fp¡N rhi¡“u A“¡ s¡“¡ V$pmhp A’£“u ÅN°ssp h^¡ s¡ l¡sy’u ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ - ky“©s âv$¡i - Nc¡Zu d„X$m Üpfp ir“hpf, sp. 25-4-2015“p fp¡S> b‘p¡f¡ 2:00 hpN¡ lqfkyrdf“¹ lp¡g, Nc¡Zudp„ A¡L$ Ål¡f kcp“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„.

Ap kcpdp„ Dd¡icpCA¡ ‘phf‘p¡CÞV$ â¡T“V$¡i“ Üpfp, d¡g¡qfep“p¡ fp¡N L¡$hu fus¡ Dv¹$ch¡ R>¡, dp“h ifufdp„ d¡g¡qfep“p L$uV$pÏ„ L¡$hu fus¡ âh¡i¡ R>¡, d¡g¡fuep“p gnZp¡ iy„ R>¡, d¡g¡qfep“¡ AV$L$phhp iy„ L$pmÆ g¡hu Å¡CA¡, s¡dS> ApSy>bpSy>“p kdpS>dp„ d¡g¡qfep’u ’su Å“lpr“ L¡$hu fus¡ bQphu iL$pe s’p Ap‘Z¡ L¡$hu fus¡ Ap‘Zp Of-‘qfkf“u Apk‘pk“u S>Áep õhÃR> fpMu dÃR>f“p¡ D‘Öh OV$pX$u iL$pe A¡ dyØpAp¡ ‘f gp¡L$p¡“¡ dpN®v$i®“ Apàey„.

Ap kcpdp„ Nc¡Zu, Æeph, byqX$ep, Xy„$X$u A“¡ D“ A¡d 5p„Q Npd dp„’u Aph¡gp 80 bl¡“p¡ s’p eyhsuAp¡A¡ lh¡ ‘R>u ‘p¡s‘p¡sp“p Of - ‘qfkf“¡ kpa fpMu, õhÃR>sp Åmhhp“p k„L$ë‘ kp’¡ rhv$pe gu^u.