
...Empowerment and Enlightenment of Womanhood

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  Name Description Activity Location
Atmiya Balika Shibir - 2003, Haridham Social Care Haridham-Sokhada
Atmiya Balika Shibir - 2004, Haridham Social Care Haridham-Sokhada
Atmiya Balika Shibir - 2006, Haridham Youth Activites Haridham-Sokhada
Atmiya Balika Shibir - 2009, Vadodara Social Care Vadodara
Atmiya Balika Sabha - 2015, Avidha

One of the volunteer of Yogi Mahila Kendra, Haridham, Sokhada Smt. Bhaminiben Keyurbhai Patel had, on 7th Oct 2015, arranged a meeting of small girls at Avidha in which, around 40 girls had participated.

sp.7-10-2015“p fp¡S> ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ“p drlgp L$pe®L$sp® îudsu cpdu“ub¡“ L¡$eyfcpB ‘V¡$g“u D‘[õ’rsdp„ Arh^p dyL$pd¡ bpguL$p kcp“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. Ap rirbf“p¡ Apif¡ 40 S>¡V$gu bpguL$pAp¡A¡ gpc gu^p¡ lsp¡.

Social Care Netrang / Dediapada
Atmiya Balika Shibir - 2016, Kandivali, Mumbai

Yogi Mahila Kendra and Jay Charities had jointly organized a shibir for 100 young girls between the age group of 6 to 15 years on Sunday, the 25th December 2016 in which, the institution’s lady volunteers Smt. Bimalben, Smt. Smitaben Patkar and other lady volunteers had conducted activities by which, the participant girls got knowledge with pleasure/amusement.

frhhpf, sp. 25-12-2016“p fp¡S> ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ s’p S>e Q¡fuV$uT Üpfp 6 ’u 15 hj®“u Apif¡ 100 v$uL$fuAp¡“u A¡L$ rirbf“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. Ap rirbfdp„ k„õ’p“p drlgp L$pe®L$sp® îu rbdgb¡“ s’p îu [õdspb¡“ ‘pV$L$f krls AÞe drlgp L$pe®L$sp®Ap¡A¡ bprgL$pAp¡“¡ rhrh^ fus¡ Nçds kp’¡ op“ dm¡ s¡ âL$pf“u âh©rÑAp¡ L$fphu lsu.

Social Care Mumbai
Atmiya Balika Sabha - 2017, Danti

Around 60 girls had learnt the lessons of good culture, discipline and politeness/discretion while also playing the games during atmiya balika shibir organized for them in the presence of P. Sarveshvarben and other sadhvi sisters from Yogi Mahila Kendra on Tuesday, the 14th February 2017 in “Atmiyadham” at Danti.

d„Nmhpf, sp.14-02-2017“p fp¡S> v$p„su dyL$pd¡ Aph¡g "ApÐdue^pd' Mps¡ ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ Üpfp ApÐdue bprgL$p rirbf“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. ‘|.kh£ðfb¡“ s’p AÞe kpÝhu bl¡“p¡“u D‘[õ’rsdp„ ep¡Åe¡g Ap rirbfdp„ Apif¡ 60 S>¡V$gu bprgL$pAp¡A¡ cpN gB fds Nds“u kp’¡ k„õL$pfusp, riõs A“¡ rhh¡L$“p ‘pW$ iu¿ep lsp„.

Social Care Jalalpore/Sachin
Atmiya Balika Shibir - 2017, Surat Social Care Surat