...Empowerment and Enlightenment of Womanhood
Yogi Mahila Kendra and Jay Charities had jointly organized a shibir for 100 young girls between the age group of 6 to 15 years on Sunday, the 25th December 2016 in which, the institution’s lady volunteers Smt. Bimalben, Smt. Smitaben Patkar and other lady volunteers had conducted activities by which, the participant girls got knowledge with pleasure/amusement.
As per an English saying, “ALL WORK AND NO PLAY...... MAKES JACK A DULL BOY”, if the children are made only to do study and only the school/study oriented activities throughout the day, the qualities like physical smartness, quick decision making power, group spirit, sportsman spirit and mental stability during win or defeat are not developed in them. Keeping all these facts in mind, Yogi Mahila Kendra and Jay Charities had, on account of Natal festival, jointly organized this shibir for girls.
In this shibir, the girls were made to play the games, like andhadopato, antaxari, play freeze dance, animal mimicry etc. on the tune of songs and music, which increased their capacity of bodily balance, knowledge of new words, quick response, to know the birds or animals from sounds or actions and, all these skills developed due to such games were really very useful to them in their routine daily life.
All the participant girls were highly surprised and delighted when one the of institution’s lady volunteers entered the place of shibir dressed and looking exactly like Santa Clos, on account of Natal today, and distributed chocolates and other gifts to them.
At the end of the shibir, after taking refreshment of cake and pasta, all the girls left for their homes memorizing the events of whole day.
frhhpf, sp. 25-12-2016“p fp¡S> ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ s’p S>e Q¡fuV$uT Üpfp 6 ’u 15 hj®“u Apif¡ 100 v$uL$fuAp¡“u A¡L$ rirbf“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. Ap rirbfdp„ k„õ’p“p drlgp L$pe®L$sp® îu rbdgb¡“ s’p îu [õdspb¡“ ‘pV$L$f krls AÞe drlgp L$pe®L$sp®Ap¡A¡ bprgL$pAp¡“¡ rhrh^ fus¡ Nçds kp’¡ op“ dm¡ s¡ âL$pf“u âh©rÑAp¡ L$fphu lsu.
A„N°¡Ædp„ L$l¡hs R>¡... "ALL WORK AND NO PLAY.. MAKES JACK A DULL BOY" Ap E[¼s A“ykpf Å¡ bpmhe“p qv$L$fp L¡$ qv$L$fuAp¡“¡ dpÓ Aæepk A“¡ ipmpqL$e âh©rÑAp¡ S> L$fphhpdp„ Aph¡ sp¡ s¡Ap¡dp„ ipfuqfL$ Q‘msp, Ðhqfs r“Z®e i[¼s, k„Ocph“p, M¡gqv$gu A“¡ lpf-Æs“¡ ‘Qphhp“u sV$õ’sp S>¡hp NyZp¡ rhL$ksp “’u. Ap bpbsp¡“¡ Ýep“dp„ fpMu“¡ ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ s’p S>e Q¡fuV$uT Üpfp “pspg“p ‘h®“¡ A“ygnu“¡ A¡ S> rhje ‘f bprgL$p rirbf“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$ey®„ lsy„.
Ap rirbfdp„ bprgL$pAp¡“¡ Ap„^mp¡ ‘pV$p¡, A„spnfu, PLAY FREEZE DANCE, ANIMAL MIMICRY S>¡hu rhrh^ fdsp¡ Nus-k„Nus“p spg¡ fdpX$hpdp„ Aphu lsu. Ap fdsp¡ Üpfp bprgL$pAp¡dp„ ipfuqfL$ kdsp¡g“, “hp iåv$p¡ rhj¡“u kdS>Z, Ðhfus ârscph Ap‘hp¡, AhpS> A“¡ lphcph ‘f’u âpZu L¡$ ‘nu“¡ Ap¡mMhp S>¡hu bpbsp¡ iuMhhpdp„ Aphu lsu. hpõsrhL$ Æh“dp„ Ap fdsp¡“p dpÂed’u rhL$kus ’e¡g L$p¥iëe Ap bprgL$pAp¡“¡ A“¡L$ fus¡ L$pd gpNu iL¡$ s¡hu lsu.
qirbf“p kdp‘“ kde¡ Ap bprgL$pAp¡“¡ Ap“„v$pïee®“u A“yc|rs ’B S>epf¡ k„õ’p“p A¡L$ drlgp L$pe®L$sp®A¡ rirbf“p õ’m¡ ApS>“p qv$hk¡ “pspg“p ‘h®“¡ A“yê$‘ "kp„sp¼gp¡T'“u h¡ic|jp ^pfZ L$fu“¡ âh¡i L$ep£. Ap kp„sp¼gp¡T¡ “p“u bprgL$pAp¡“¡ Qp¡L$g¡V¹$k s’p NuaV$ Ap‘u“¡ Myi L$fu v$u^u.
qirbf“p A„s¡ klº bprgL$pAp¡A¡ L¡$L$ s’p ‘põsp“p¡ “põsp¡ L$fu“¡ ApS>“p qv$hk“u õd©rs hpNp¡msp„ hpNp¡msp„ ‘p¡s‘p¡sp“p Of sfa âepZ L$ey¯ lsy„.