
...Empowerment and Enlightenment of Womanhood

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  Name Description Activity Location
Volunteers Conference - 2018, Amalsad Social Care Dang/Gandevi/Valsad
Volunteer's Shibir - 2016, Kandivali, Mumbai Social Care Mumbai
Volunteer's Shibir - 2016, Surat Social Care Surat
Cultural & Social Programme - 2015, UK

The saintly sisters of Yogi Mahila Kendra, Haridham (Sokhada) toured in the different areas on the soil of U.K. during the period from 10/06/2015 to 30/06/2015 under the leadership of P. Premben and met the ladies from the Indian families staying there and made necessary efforts during this period through different programs to mix with them so that, the ancient heritage of Indian culture can be developed and preserved in the life of them and their children and, the vaidic spirit of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakama is spread among them .

ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ - lqf^pd (kp¡MX$p) “p kpÝhu bl¡“p¡A¡ ‘|. â¡db¡““u ApN¡hp“udp„ ey.L¡$.“u ^fsu ‘f sp. 10-06-2015 ’u sp. 30-06-2015 ky^u rhQfZ L$fu ey.L¡$.“p AgN-AgN rhõspfp¡dp„ hksp cpfsue ‘qfhpfp¡“p drlgpAp¡“¡ dþep. s¡d“p s’p s¡d“p k„sp“p¡“p Æh“dp„ k“ps“ cpfsue k„õL©$rs“p hpfkp“y„ tkQ“ ’pe s’p hky^¥h Ly$Vy„$bL$d¹“u h¥qv$L$ cph“p“p¡ a¡gphp¡ ’pe s¡hp l¡sy’u Ap kdeNpmp v$fçep“ rhrh^ L$pe®¾$dp¡“p dpÂed’u cpfsue ‘qfhpfp¡dp„ fkbk ’hp âeГ L$ep£.

Social Care UK
Volunteer's Meeting, Junagadh

A meeting of lady workers was arranged at Junagadh between 3.00 pm & 5.00 pm on Saturday, the 9th Aug 2014 in the presence of P. Shahidben and P. Shthitpragnaben in which, around 50 ladies took part.

ir“hpf, sp. 9-8-2014“p fp¡S> b‘p¡f¡ 3 ’u 5 Sy>“pNY$ dyL$pd¡ ‘|. irlv$b¡“ s’p ‘|.[õ’s‘°ob¡““u D‘[õ’rsdp„ L$pe®L$sp® bl¡“p¡“u kcp ep¡ÅB. S>¡dp„ Apif¡ 50 S>¡V$gp bl¡“p¡A¡ ‘^pep® lsp.


Social Care Junagadh
Volunteer's Shibir - August 04, 2011, Surat Volunteer's Training Surat
Volunteer's Shibir - March 20, 2010, Haridham

All the elderly sisters of Bhakti Ashram, Haridham had collectively organized a shibir for 1 & ½ days on 20th & 21st March 2010 for girls and the lady workers in the premises of Haridham in which, nearly 325 maktas from different regions had participated.

c[¼sApîd_p„ klz hX$ug bl¡_p¡A¡ c¡Np dmu_¡ sp.20-21/3/2010_p fp¡S> lqf^pd_p âp„NZdp„ v$p¡Y$ qv$hk_u bl¡_p¡ eyhp-drlgp L$pe®L$sp®Ap¡_u rirbf_y„ Apep¡S>_ L$ey¯ lsy„. s¡dp„ AgN AgN âv¡$idp„\u Apif¡ 325 dy¼sp¡A¡ gpc gu^p¡ lsp¡.



Volunteer's Training Haridham-Sokhada
Volunteers Meet - 2009 Volunteer's Training Vadodara