...Empowerment and Enlightenment of Womanhood
Yogi Mahila Kendra had organized a cake making workshop under its “Bake and Earn” program for ladies between 4.30 pm & 6.30 pm at Yogidham, Rajkot on Sunday, the 1st January 2017 in which, Meetaben Shingadiya had taught nearly 250 ladies to make a variety of cakes.
frhhpf, sp.01-01-2017“p fp¡S> kp„S>¡ 4:30 ’u 6:30 v$fçep“ ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ Üpfp ep¡Nu^pd, fpS>L$p¡V$ Mps¡ bl¡“p¡ dpV¡$ "b¡L$ A¡ÞX$ A“®' A„sN®s L¡$L$ d¡L$]N hL®$ip¡‘“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. Ap hL®$ip¡‘dp„ duspb¡“ i]NX$uep Üpfp D‘[õ’s Apif¡ 250 S>¡V$gp bl¡“p¡“¡ rhrh^ ‘°L$pf“u L¡$L$$ b“phsp iuMhpX$hpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„.
Yogi Mahila Kendra, Haridham, Sokhada and Jay Charities, Kandivali (East) had jointly organized a cake making workshop under their “Bake and Earn” program for ladies between3.00 pm & 5.00 pm in a Hall situated behind Sabari Tower, Kandivali (East), Mumbai on Sunday, the 1st January 2017 in which, nearly 30 participant ladies were taught to make a variety of cakes, nankhatai, bans, pastries etc. with practical demonstrations.
frhhpf, sp.01-01-2017“p fp¡S> b‘p¡f¡ 3:00 ’u 5:00 v$fçep“ ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ s’p S>e Q¡fuV$uT Üpfp ibfu A¡‘pV®$d¡ÞV$ ‘pR>m“p lp¸gdp„, L$p„qv$hgu(BõV$)dy„bB Mps¡ bl¡“p¡ dpV¡$ "b¡L$ A¡ÞX$ A“®' A„sN®s L¡$L$ d¡L$]N hL®$ip¡‘“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. Ap hL®$ip¡‘dp„ 30 S>¡V$gp bl¡“p¡A¡ lpS>f flu“¡ L¡$L$, “p“MV$pB, b“, ‘¡õV²$u hN¡f¡ b¡L$fu Ap^pfus hp“NuAp¡$ b“phhp“u fus âÐen r“v$i®“ kp’¡ r“lpmu lsu.
The 12 ladies, who came to India from Germany for roaming in this country, were taken by Yogi Mahila Kendra, on Friday, the 6th January 2017 to “Ipcowala Naturopathy & Yoga Center” in Veliya Kotar to make them aware of systems of Indian Culture/customs.
iy¾$hpf, sp.06-01-2017“p fp¡S> ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ Üpfp S>d®“u’u cpfsc°dZ A’£ “uL$m¡gp„ 12 kßpfuAp¡“¡ cpfsue k „õL©$rs“p¡ ‘qfQe L$fphhp“p l¡sy’u h¡guep L$p¡sf Mps¡ Aph¡g "B‘L$p¡hpgp “¡Qfp¡‘’u A¡ÞX$ ep¡Np k¡ÞV$f' Mps¡ ‘e®V$““y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fu s¡d“¡ cpfsue kp„õL©$rsL$ fus fkd’u dprlsNpf L$fhpdp„ Apìep lsp„.
A program of guiding the girl students of std. 10th & 12th about their ensuing Board examinations was organized in Ghanshyam Pradesh, Mumabai between 1.00 pm & 3.00 pm on Saturday, the 28th January 2017 at S.V.P. School, Dahisar (East), Mumbai jointly by Yogi Mahila Kendra, Haridham, Sokhada and Jay Charities, Kandivali, Mumbai in which, Shreepalben Dhodakiya, an experts educationist associated with the education field had guided nearly 50 girl students for their pre exam preparations.
ir“hpf, sp.28-01-2017“p fp¡S> O“íepd âv$¡i - dy„bB dyL$pd¡ A¡k.hu.‘u. õL|$g, v$l]kf(BõV$) Mps¡ b‘p¡f¡ 1:00 ’u 3:00 L$gpL$ v$fçep“ ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ s’p S>e Q¡fuV$uT“p k„ey¼s D‘¾$d¡ ^p¡fZ 10 A“¡ 12“u rhÛp’}“uAp¡ dpV¡$ ApNpdu dpQ®-2017dp„ ep¡Å“pf bp¡X®$“u ‘funp“¡ Ýep“dp„ fpMu“¡ ‘funp dpN®v$i®“ k¡rd“pf“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. Ap k¡rd“pfdp„ rinZ n¡Ó kp’¡ k„L$mpe¡g drlgp sS>o îu‘pgb¡“ ^p¡mL$uepA¡ Apif¡ 50 S>¡V$gu v$uL$fuAp¡“¡ ‘funp“u ‘|h®s¥epfu A„N¡ dpN®v$i®“ Apàey„ lsy„.
A program of guiding the girl students about their problems confusing them during their examinations was organized in Ghanshyam Pradesh, Mumabai between 3.00 pm & 5.00 pm on Saturday, the 28th January 2017 at S.V.P. School, Dahisar (East), Mumbai jointly by Yogi Mahila Kendra, Haridham, Sokhada and Jay Charities, Kandivali, Mumbai in which, Minalben Dhruv, Krishnaben Dhruv and Pallaviben Nanda, the experts, associated with the education field had guided nearly 50 girl students.
ir“hpf, sp.28-01-2017“p fp¡S> O“íepd âv$¡i - dy„bB dyL$pd¡ A¡k.hu.‘u. õL|$g, v$l]kf(BõV$) Mps¡ b‘p¡f¡ 3:00 ’u 5:00 L$gpL$ v$fçep“, ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ s’p S>e Q¡fuV$uT“p k„ey¼s D‘¾$d¡ rhÛp’}“uAp¡“¡ Aæepk¾$d A„N¡ d„|Thsp âñp¡“p dpN®v$i®“ Ap‘hp“p L$pe®¾$d“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. Ap L$pe®¾$ddp„ rinZ n¡Ó kp’¡ k„L$mpe¡g drlgp sS>op¡ rd“gb¡“ ^°yh, q¾$ó“pb¡“ ^°yh s’p ‘‰hub¡“ “„v$pA¡ Apif¡ 50 S>¡V$gu v$uL$fuAp¡“¡ dpN®v$i®“ Apàey„ lsy„.
Yogi Mahila Kendra, Haridham, Sokhada had, on Sunday, the 5th February 2017, organized a seminar between 2.30 pm & 3.30 pm in the afternoon at Ovada village in Tal. & Dist. Valsad in which, Swetaben Mehta, associated with Jay Ambe Intenational School (Valsad) had guided around 50 girl students for pre-preparation of their examinations in which, P. Saujanyaben and P. Samarthben from Yogi Mahila Kendra had also remained present to boost the enthusiasm of the participants.
frhhpf, sp.05-02-2017“p fp¡S> sp. Æ. hgkpX$“p Ap¡hpX$p Npd¡ b‘p¡f¡ 2:30 ’u 3:30 L$gpL$ v$fçep“ ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ Üpfp ‘funp dpN®v$i®“ k¡rd“pf“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. Ap k¡rd“pfdp„ S>e A„b¡ BÞV$f“¡i“g õL|$g (hgkpX$) kp’¡ k„L$mpe¡gp ð¡spb¡“ dl¡spA¡ D‘[õ’s Apif¡ 50 S>¡V$gu rhÛp’}“uAp¡“¡ ‘funp“u ‘|h®s¥epfu A„N¡ dpN®v$i®“ Apàey„ lsy„. ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ“p ‘|. kp¥S>Þeb¡“ s’p ‘|.kd’®b¡“¡ Ap âk„N¡ D‘rõ’s flu rhÛp’}“uAp¡“p¡ DÐkpl h^pep£ lsp¡.
Yogi Mahila Kendra, Haridham, Sokhada had organized a seminar in C/42, Ambica Society, at Dabhoi on Sunday, the 5th February 2017 between 4.00 pm & 5.30 pm on guidance for examinations in which, Bharatiben Patel, working as a teacher in Dabhoi Vishwabharati Vidyalaya had guided for the pre preparations for the examinations to nearly 30 girl students in which, P. Smitben, P. Swikarben and P. Sukhchainben from Yogi Mahila Kendra also remained present to boost the enthusiasm of the students.
frhhpf, sp.05-02-2017“p fp¡S> ku/42, A„rbL$p kp¡kpeV$u, X$cp¡B Mps¡ b‘p¡f¡ 4:00 ’u 5:30 L$gpL$ v$fçep“ ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ Üpfp ‘funp dpN®v$i®“ k¡rd“pf“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. Ap k¡rd“pfdp„ X$cp¡B rhðcpfsu rhÛpgedp„ rirnL$p sfuL¡$ afS> bÅhsp cpfsub¡“ ‘V¡$g¡ D‘[õ’s Apif¡ 30 S>¡V$gu rhÛp’}“uAp¡“¡ ‘funp“u ‘|h®s¥epfu A„N¡ dpN®v$i®“ Apàey„ lsy„. ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ“p ‘|.[õdsb¡“, ‘|.kyMQ¥“b¡“ s’p ‘|.õhuL$pfb¡“¡ Ap âk„N¡ D‘rõ’s flu rhÛp’}“uAp¡“p¡ DÐkpl h^pep£ lsp¡.
Yogi Mahila Kendra, Haridham, Sokhada had organized a seminar in the open ground near Dhandhaniya village on Sunday, the 5th February 2017 on guidance for examinations in which, Rakshaben had guided for the pre preparations for the examinations to nearly 65 girl students in which, P. Sthitpragnaben, P. Satyaprakashben and P. Sukhchainben also remained present to boost the enthusiasm of the students.
frhhpf, sp.05-02-2017“p fp¡S Y$p„Y$Zuep Npd ‘pk¡ Aph¡g My‰p d¡v$p“dp„ ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ Üpfp ‘funp dpN®v$i®“ k¡rd“pf“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. Ap k¡rd“pfdp„ fnpb¡“¡ D‘[õ’s Apif¡ 65 S>¡V$gu rhÛp’}“uAp¡“¡ ‘funp“u ‘|h®s¥epfu A„N¡ dpN®v$i®“ Apàey„ lsy„. ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ“p ‘|.[õ’sâob¡“, ‘|.kÐeâL$pib¡“ s’p ‘|.kyMQ¥“b¡“¡ Ap k¡rd“pfdp„ D‘rõ’s flu rhÛp’}“uAp¡“p¡ DÐkpl h^pep£ lsp¡.