
...Empowerment and Enlightenment of Womanhood

Seminar on Bake & Earn - 2017, Kandivali, Mumbai

On Date: 01 January 2017

Nowadays, not only the youngsters but, even the elders and the old people are also found to be enjoying the taste of cakes, cookies, bans, pastries etc. prepared by the bakeries in preparation of which, purity and cleanliness of the material used may not be trusted and sometimes the chemicals used in these preparations may also be harmful to human health. Considering these points, Yogi Mahila Kendra, Haridham, Sokhada and Jay Charities, Kandivali (East) had jointly organized a cake making workshop under their “Bake and Earn” program for ladies between3.00 pm & 5.00 pm in a Hall situated behind Sabari Tower, Kandivali (East), Mumbai on Sunday, the 1st January 2017.

Ms. Truptiben Barvaliya (Bakery Master) had taught the participants in this workshop to make a variety of cakes at home with the help of oven by explaining the procedure with all the minor details like, what items to take, how to prepare the flour, how to get aatho, how long to keep the prepared flour, which chemicals to use to bring flavor in the cake, at what temp. to bake the cake while also giving a practical demonstration on the stage.

For decorating the cakes and pastries after they are ready, it was practically shown as to how to use the things like butter, color, flavor, chocko-chips, jelly bins etc. by using all those things. After this, it was also shown how to prepare the frankey, cookies, biscuits etc. for giving to the school going children by giving their recipe too. Ms. Shilpaben Chheda had assisted Ms. Truptiben in this program throughout.

Along with the other lady Volunteers of the institution, its leading and elderly dedicated Volunteer Smt. Smitaben Patkar had also remained present in this program who had informed all the participants that, this is a home industry with minimum investment and can give satisfactory profit so, those of the ladies, who want some extra income to be self-reliant, should develop some skill in this line and start this business and, in the end, she had thanked Truptiben on behalf of all the participants.

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Ap bpbsp¡“¡ Âep“dp„ fpMu“¡ frhhpf, sp.01-01-2017“p fp¡S> b‘p¡f¡ 3:00 ’u 5:00 v$fçep“ ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ s’p S>e Q¡fuV$uT Üpfp ibfu A¡‘pV®$d¡ÞV$ ‘pR>m“p lp¸gdp„, L$p„qv$hgu(BõV$)dy„bB Mps¡ bl¡“p¡ dpV¡$ "b¡L$ A¡ÞX$ A“®' A„sN®s L¡$L$ d¡L$]N hL®$ip¡‘“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„.

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