...Empowerment and Enlightenment of Womanhood
In the Govt.’s official Flag Salutation program arranged in the vast ground of High School at Mandala on Thursday, the 26th January 2017 to celebrate the 68th Republic Day of India, the sadhvi sisters P. Smitben P. Suyogben, P. Swikarben and the volunteer ladies from Yogi Mahila Kendra had also joined. The flag salutation was done at the hands of taluka’s S.D.M. Smt. Khyatiben K. Patel where, the political-social leaders, Govt. officers and the residents from Mandala village, totally around 1200 persons had saluted the national flag to exhibit their patriotism.
In the beginning of this program, the govt.’s officers, police officers, constables, the school’s principal and the staff and the student brothers and sisters stood in perfect queues in the front of the pole on which, the flag was mounted. Then, the taluka’s top officer, Smt, Khyatiben K. Patel (S.D.M.) had released the flag which was saluted by all present there in a big number singing the national song.
After the flag salutation ceremony, while addressing the people, Smt. Khyatiben Patel described the progress journey of India after the independence and said that, today, India is having the maximum youths in the world and, if they utilize their energies in building the nation, no power in the world can stop India from becoming the No. 1 super power of the world.
Then, on account of Republic Day celebration, the students from the high school and the girls associated with Yogi Mahila Kendra had presented a variety of cultural program like the items of physical exercises, dress competition etc. As a token of today’s memory, the participants in the program had taken a photo with the sadhvi sisters from the institution and Smt. Khyatiben Patel before the end of the program.
In addition to the dignitaries like Khyatiben Patel, Sri Bhatt Sir (D.Y.S.P.), Sri C.M. Patel (Ex MLA), Sri Ashwinbhai Patel (Ex Dy. Pres. BJP), 1200 villagers from surrounding big and small villages had participated in this program of national consciousness.
cpfs“p 68dp NZs„Ó ‘h® r“rdÑ¡ Nyfyhpf, sp.26du ÅÞeyApfu, 2017“p fp¡S> d„X$pmp dyL$pd¡ lpBõL|$g“p rhipm ‘V$p„NZdp„ ep¡Åe¡g kfL$pf“p kÑphpf ÝhS>h„v$“ L$pe®¾$ddp„ ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ“p kpÝhu bl¡“p¡ ‘|.[õdsb¡“, ‘|.kyep¡Nb¡“, ‘|.õhuL$pfb¡“ s’p drlgp L$pe®L$sp®Ap¡ A“¡ bl¡“p¡ Å¡X$pep lsp. spgyL$p“p A¡k.X$u.A¡d. îu ¿eprsb¡“ L¡$. ‘V¡$g“p lp’¡ ÝhS>h„v$“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. S>¡dp„ fpS>L$ue-kpdpÆL$ AN°ZuAp¡, kfL$pfu Adgv$pfp¡’u gB d„X$pmp Npd“p “NfS>“p¡ krls Apif¡ 1200 gp¡L$p¡A¡ fpô²$ÝhS>“¡ kgpdu Ap‘u fpô²$c[¼s Av$p L$fu lsu.
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îu ¿epsub¡“ L¡$. ‘V¡$g D‘fp„s, îu cË$ kpl¡b (X$u.hpe.A¡k.‘u. îu), îu ku. A¡d. ‘V¡$g (dpÆ ^pfpkæeîu), îu Aqð“cpB ‘V¡$g (Ɖp D‘âdyMîu, cpS>‘p) S>¡hp dlp“ycphp¡ s’p 1200 S>¡V$gp “p“p dp¡V$p NpdhpkuAp¡A¡ D‘[õ’s flu“¡ fpô²$ue A[õdsp“p Ap ‘h®dp„ cpN gu^p¡ lsp¡.