
...Empowerment and Enlightenment of Womanhood

Exam Guidance Programme for SSC, HSC Students - 2017, Dashrath

On Date: 14 February 2017


Yogi Mahila Kendra had, keeping before eyes, the ensuing examinations of Std. 10th & 12th to be taken in March, organized a guidance seminar for the same on Tuesday, the 14th February 2017 in 5, Jayabanagar Society, Dasharath in which, around 25 girl students attended and got the guidance about the precautions to be taken during the examinations.

While describing the exams before the girl students as a test of whatever we have learnt during the entire year, Minaxiben advised them to appear for the exams with full preparations and without absolutely any fear at all as otherwise, it may bring adverse results.

Hinaben explained to them as to how to remember the difficult subjects by dividing them into small parts and how to do a quick revision.

Sadhvi sister P. Sandarbhben reminded them that, there is no alternative to hard work by narrating related examples from the life of great people and encouraged them to work harder.

P. Shreejisharanben and P. Satyarthiben from Yogi Mahila Kendra also remained present in this program.

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