
...Empowerment and Enlightenment of Womanhood

Yoga Camp - 2016, Rajkot

On Date: 27 September 2016
Activity: Medical Care
Location: Rajkot Locationwise





Yogi Mahila Kendra had organized a workshop in Yogidham, Rajkot between 4.00 pm & 5.30 pm on 26th & 27th September 2016 on treatment by yoga in which, the yoga proficient Sri Balakundi Mallika Bhatt had explained and taught nearly 100 ladies how to remain healthy by adopting yoga and pranayams in daily routine life and to cure diseases through yoga system.

Yoga is an invaluable treatment system invented and gifted to human society by ancient Indian rishis which shows, how to prevent the attacks of diseases and to keep fit and healthy by its regular practice in daily life to live long.

In this shibir, first of all, the yoga proficient Sri Balakundi Mallika Bhatt had listened to the questions related to participating women’s health and had provided appropriate solutions/treatments for the same and then, he had practically demonstration different yoga, asans and pranayams and informed how to cure different diseases with the help of them.

In this workshop, the guidance was provided in 4 different divisions. In the 1st, how to cure/remove the stiffness of different joints in the body, like neck, thumb and fingers, elbow, wrist, knee etc. by their rhythmic movements was shown. In the 2nd, the benefits by different exercises and asan were discussed. In the 3rd, teaching suryanamaskar, its psycho-physical benefits to women were informed. In the 4th and last, different pranayams like kapalbhati, respiration with neck, the exercises of diaphragm, yogic respiration, anulom-vilom and bhramary were also taught.

During this workshop, the participating ladies had learnt to control their diseases while also a nice guidance also for living a fit and healthy life was received.

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