
...Empowerment and Enlightenment of Womanhood

Blood Donation Camp - 2017, Nirnaynagar, Ahmedabad

On Date: 26 January 2017
Activity: Medical Care

During surgery, accidents, pregnancy and for the patients suffering from thalassemia the blood is generally required urgently. Even the latest technology and the inventions of science have not been able to produce artificial blood in the laboratory as yet. Under the circumstances, only the blood collected from the body of a living healthy person and saved and properly preserved comes to our help to save the life of a patient. With this point in mind, a Blood Donation Camp was organized by Yogi Mahila Kendra on 26th January 2017, the 68th Republic Day of India.

During this camp, which ran between 10.00 am & 12.30 pm in the afternoon, the women, lady volunteers and the girls from the institution had donated their blood joyfully. In this camp organized with the cooperation from Gujarat Blood Bank, its medical and paramedical staff had rendered their appreciable services and 51 units of blood was collected and every donor lady was awarded a memento in the appreciation of her services.

In this Blood Donation Camp, Yogi Mahila Kendra’s regional sadhvi sisters P. Sagarben, P. Sahayogben, P. Sharanyaben and elderly lady volunteers Smt. Samuben, Smt. Induba, Smt. Manjuben, Smt. Jayshreeben and Smt. Ranjanben also remained present to boost the spirit of donor sisters. In this age of Women’s Empowerment, they all had contributed their own share also like men in the services of their countrymen.

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