...Empowerment and Enlightenment of Womanhood
Yogacharya Shri Bahadursinhji working with Veraval Trust since last 24 years had guided around 100 women for maintaining their good health through pranayams at a “Maintaining Good Health Through Pranayams” shibir organized by Yogi Mahila Kendra at Yogidham, Rajkot on Sunday, the 12th February 17.
Along with its several diversified social service activities, Yogi Mahila Kendra also remains busy for the Health Care of general public by regularly/periodically organizing various shibirs on Yoga, Naturopathy, Healthy Diet etc. through campaigns for awareness among people against various diseases.
Keeping before eyes, the popular saying “Prevention is better than cure”, if a little care for health is taken before falling sick, a number of ailments can be prevented and, especially to spread this message, this shibir was organized.
The yogacharya Sri Bahadursinhji, reminding about the motto that, if the mind gets spoiled, it also spoils the health, and asked all to always keep it before the eyes and never to allow any negative feelings or incidents control our mind/heart because, they get stored in our body and come out in the form of illness.
To control the mind, he taught many pranayams with their practical demonstrations for rhythmic respiration, demonstrating 5 steps of All Tension Relaxation Exercise – ATR, he explained how to stay fit by daily devoting 10 to 15 minutes for this and then, he also taught a few systems of pranayama for clearing out the dust from mind to activate/keep properly working the lungs, diaphragm and the organs of stomach and lastly, he also taught the exercises for removing the pain from back and legs and getting relief from thyroid.
The sadhvi sisters and lady volunteers from Yogi Mahila Kendra also attended the shibir. While thanking Yogi Mahila Kendra and the yogacharya Sri Bahadursinhji, the participating ladies said that, only by sparing 10 to 15 minutes a day, if we can keep good health, it is really a beneficial bargain and requested to inform them every time whenever such shibirs are organized again in future to enable them to bring their relatives and friends also to benefit from it.
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