
...Empowerment and Enlightenment of Womanhood

World Malaria Day - 2017, Rajkot

On Date: 12 April 2017
Activity: Medical Care
Location: Rajkot Locationwise




On account of World Malaria Day, Yogi Mahila Kendra had organized a seminar at “Yogidham” Gurukul at Rajkot on Wednesday, the 12th April 2017 in which, Sri Bharatbhai Vyas working with Rajkot Mun. Corp.’s malaria dept. since last 32 years also remained present and gave detailed information about malaria with the steps to be taken for controlling its spread to 90 participating ladies.

Informing about the disease with the help of a power point presentation, Sri Bharatbhai said that, as the virus of malaria are carried by mosquitos, we can control its spread by stopping their breeding and since the mosquito lays its eggs in water, their larva and pupa also grow there in water only. As such, if we keep our water tanks, drums, jars etc. properly covered and keep frequently removing the water collected near our flower pots, air coolers, fridges etc. we can check the life cycle of mosquito to a great extent.

He further said that, since a mosquito can go/fly up to a very short distance from its birth place, if we, the people of 15-20 house holders keep proper cleanliness around, we can also control the spread of Chikungunya and dengue and advised to make use of mosquito-nets and repellents.

Sri Navnitbhai who also works with the Corp. only, had brought with him in a bottle the larva, pupa and eggs of mosquito and showed them to the ladies present there and explained their life-cycle and asked to kill them immediately if noticed anywhere in the water collected around their homes.

By considering the information provided by Yogi Mahila Kendra as very use/helpful in maintaining good health, all the participating ladies had highly appreciated such efforts of social services by it.

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