...Empowerment and Enlightenment of Womanhood
With the Inspiration of H.D.H. P.P. Hariprasad Swamiji, Yogi Mahila Kendra has been involved in organizing various social activities. As a part of this activities an even of Blood Donation was organized by Suhrad Pradesh (Naroda Mandal) along with Leuva Patidar Samaj - Naroda on 1st June 2014.
sp.01/06/2014“p fp¡S> ApÐdue eyhp dlp¡Ðkh-2015“p D‘¾$d¡ kyùv$ âv$¡i - “fp¡X$p d„X$m Üpfp s’p îu g¡Dhp ‘pV$uv$pf kdpS>, “fp¡X$p“p kp¥S>Þe’u ApÐdue ågX$ X$p¡“¡i“ L¡$ç‘“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„.
A cultural program especially for the ladies staying at New Jersey and its surrounding towns was organized at New Jersey, America in the presence of P. Sarveshwarben and P. Sahjikben in which, around 100 women participated.
ÞeyS>k}, Ad¡fuL$p“u ^fsu ‘f ‘|. kh£ðfb¡“ A“¡ ‘|. kplÆL$b¡““p kp„r“Ýedp„ Mpk eyhsuAp¡ dpV¡$ kp„õL©$rsL$ ‘p¡N°pd“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„. S>¡dp„ ÞeyS>k}“u ApSy>bpSy>“p V$pD“dp„ hksu Apif¡ 100 eyhsuAp¡A¡ gpc gu^p¡.
A program of initiation of “SUHRADAYI” to yet additional / another 1100 women was arranged in the divine and sacred place of Bhakti Ashram, HARIDHAM, in the evening at 4 p.m. on 29/06/2014.
sp.29/06/14“p fp¡S> b‘p¡f¡ 4.00 hpN¡ lqf^pd“p qv$ìe A“¡ ‘rhÓ âp„NZdp„ "kùv$eu v$unp'“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„. ‘|. kyùv$ (‘|. â¡db¡“) Üpfp 1100 bl¡“p¡A¡ v$unp gu^u.
A program of “SUHARADYEE SHIBIR” was arranged in the divine and sacred place of HARIDHAM at 9.30 a.m. on 29/06/2014. SUHRADAYEE sisters started coming to HARAIDHAM. Around 5000 Suhradayee sisters gets benefit of this Shibir.
sp.29/06/14“p fp¡S> khpfdp„ 9.30 hpN¡ lqf^pd“p qv$ìe A“¡ ‘rhÓ âp„NZdp„ "kùv$eu rirbf'“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„. qirbfdp„ gNcN 5000 bl¡“p¡A¡ gpc gu^p¡ lsp¡.
On Saturday, the 6th June 2015, Yogi Mahila Kendra, Haridham, Sokhada had organized for ladies a seminar on “Development of Personality” between 4.30 pm & 7.00 pm in the evening at Yogidham, Rajkot in the presence of regional saint sisters sadhvi P. Sahajikben and sadhvi P. Shahidben in which, Nehaben Jobanputra had presented to the participating ladies the inspirational talks on life slogans of different leading and the renowned international personalities in this field and had explained as to what type of high goal should be kept in life and what type of an approach should be kept to achieve it .
ir“hpf, sp.6-6-2015“p fp¡S> kp„S>¡ 4:30 ’u 7 v$fçep“ ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ Üpfp ep¡Nu^pd, fpS>L$p¡V$ Mps¡ âpv$r¡iL$ k„sbl¡“ kpÂhu ‘|.kplÆL$b¡“ s’p kpÂhu ‘|.irlv$b¡““u r“îpdp„ bl¡“p¡ dpV¡$ ìeqL$sÐh rhL$pk k¡rd“pf (Personality Development Seminar) “y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. Ap k¡rd“pfdp„ D‘[õ’s Apif¡ 550 S>¡V$gp bl¡“p¡“¡ “¡lpb¡“ Å¡b“‘yÓpA¡ rhrh^ n¡Ó“p AN°ZuAp¡“p Æh“k|Óp¡ kp’¡ hpsp¡ L$fu Æh“dp„ DÃQ Âe¡e fpMu s¡“¡ lp„kg L$fhp L¡$hp¡ AcuNd L¡$mhhp¡ s¡ A„N¡ â¡fZpv$peL$ hpsp¡ L$fu lsu.
On Sunday, the 7th June 2015, a workshop for ladies to teach/train them for making chocolate was organized by Yogi Mahila Kendra between 4.30 pm & 6.30 pm in the evening at Yogidham, Rajkot where, more than around 50 ladies were taught to make the chocolate of different varities .
frhhpf, sp.7-6-2015“p fp¡S> kp„S>¡ 4:30 ’u 6:30 v$fçep“ ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ Üpfp ep¡Nu^pd, fpS>L$p¡V$ Mps¡ bl¡“p¡ dpV¡$ Qp¡L$g¡V$ d¡L$]N hL®$ip¡‘“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. Ap k¡du“pfdp„ D‘[õ’s Apif¡ 50 S>¡V$gp bl¡“p¡“¡ rhrh^ ‘°L$pf“u Qp¡L$g¡V$ b“phsp iuMhpX$hpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„.
Yogi Mahila Kendra organised a yoga session on 12th of June 2015 to promote the campaign of International Yoga Day. Over 50 women of different age group attended this awareness session, which was conducted at Haridham UK hall, situated in kenton area of West London.
k„ey¼s fpô² k„O (ey“p¡) Üpfp sp. 21du S|>““¡ Ap„sffpô²ue ep¡Np qv$hk sfuL¡$ Ål¡f L$fhpdp„ Apìep¡ R>¡. Ap Ad|ëe hpfkp“¡ kh® dp“hÅrs ky^u ‘lp¢QpX$hp dpV$¡ cpfs“p hX$pâ^p“ îu “f¡ÞÖcpC dp¡v$u âQ„X$ âepk L$fu füp R>¡. Ap„sffpô²ue ep¡Np qv$hk“u Ty„b¡i“¡ âp¡Ðkpl“ Ap‘hp dpV$¡ s¡dS> v$¥r“L$ Æh“dp„ ep¡Np-âpZpepd rhj¡ ÅN©rs gphhp“p l¡sy’u ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ Üpfp iy¾$hpf, 12du S|>“ 2015“p fp¡S> ‘ròd g„X$““p L¡$ÞV$“ rhõspfdp„ Aph¡gp lqf^pd, eyL¡$ lp¡g Mps¡ ep¡Np r“óZp„s kpÝhu X$p¡. íepdv$i®“ A“¡ kpÝhu X$p¡. íepdk¡hL“p k„Qpg“ l¡W$m ep¡NpkÓ“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. S>¡dp„ Sy>v$p Sy>v$p he“u 50’u h^y drlgpAp¡A¡ lpS>fu Ap‘u lsu.