...Empowerment and Enlightenment of Womanhood
As a part of celebration of “World Women’s Day”, for empowering women, Yogi Mahila Kendra had, on Wednesday, the 8th March 2017, organized a pranayama shibir for women in Yogidham Gurukul, Rajkot in which, Smt. Labhuben Kakadiya had taught around 175 women, the lessons of healthy body through pranayama and different processes of meditation.
by^hpf, sp.08-03-2017“p fp¡S> "rhð drlgp qv$hk'“u DS>hZu“p cpN ê$‘¡ drlgp ki[¼sL$fZ dpV¡$ ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ Üpfp, ep¡Nu^pd NyfyLy$m, fpS>L$p¡V$ Mps¡ bl¡“p¡ dpV¡$ âpZpepd rirbf“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. îudsu gpcyb¡“ L$pL$X$uepA¡ D‘[õ’s Apif¡ 175 S>¡V$gp bl¡“p¡“¡ âpZpepd s’p Âep““u rhrh^ ‘Ý^rsAp¡“p dpÝed’u r“fpde õhpõÕe A„N¡“p ‘pW$ iuMìep lsp„.
Yogacharya Shri Bahadursinhji working with Veraval Trust since last 24 years had guided around 100 women for maintaining their good health through pranayams at a “Maintaining Good Health Through Pranayams” shibir organized by Yogi Mahila Kendra at Yogidham, Rajkot on Sunday, the 12th February 17.
ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ Üpfp, ep¡Nu^pd fpS>L$p¡V$ Mps¡ frhhpf sp.12-02-2017“p fp¡S> "âpZpepd Üpfp õhpõÕe ÅmhZu...' A¡ rhi¡ A¡L$ rirbf“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. h¡fphm V²$õV$dp„ R>¡‰p 24 hj®’u L$pe®fs ep¡NpQpe® îu blpvy$ftklÆA¡ Ap rirbfdp„ D‘[õ’s Apif¡ 100 bl¡“p¡“¡ âpZpepd Üpfp õhpõÕe ÅmhZu L¡$hu fus¡ L$fhu s¡ A„N¡ dpN®v$i®“ Apàey„ lsy„.
With the cooperation from Yogi Mahila Kendra, a camp for diagnosis of all the diseases was organized on Sunday, the 5th Feb 2017 in Shree C.A. Patel Hospital at Mota Fofadiya , Tal. Shinor, Dist. Vadodara in which, totally 107 lady patients had got their medical checkup done with required treatments free of cost which included 57 consultancies for diseases related to women and 50 physician consultancies.
frhhpf, sp. 05-02-2017“p fp¡S> dp¡V$p ap¡amuep, sp.ri“p¡f, Æ. hX$p¡v$fp Mps¡ Aph¡g îu ku.A¡.‘V¡$g lp¡[õ‘V$g Mps¡ ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ“p klep¡N’u kh®fp¡N r“v$p“ L¡$ç‘“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. Ap r“v$p“ L¡$ç‘dp„ 57 õÓu fp¡N“u L$ÞkgV$Þku A“¡ 50 auTuíe““u L$ÞkgV$Þku kp’¡ Ly$g 107 S>¡V$gp drlgp v$v$}Ap¡“¡ r“:iyëL$ r“v$p“ A“¡ kpfhpf Ap‘hpdp„ Aphu lsu.
Every year on the last Sunday of January, the vaccine drops are given to all the children below the age of 5 years to save/protect them against polio under the National Health Mission of the Govt. of India for extinction of Polio from the country. In the Polio Booth at the entrance of Haridham, Yogi Mahila Kendra had given vaccine drops to 160 children from surrounding villages between Sunday, the 29th Jan17 & 31st Jan 17 to save/protect them against polio to participate and cooperate in the Govt.’s polio extinction campaign.
‘p¡rgep¡“u “pbyv$u dpV¡$ cpfs kfL$pf“p “¡i“g l¡ë’ rdi“ A„sN®s v$f hj£ ÅÞeyApfu drl“p“p R>¡‰p frhhpf¡¡ ‘p„Q hj®’u “p“u Jdf“p bpmL$p¡“¡ ‘p¡qgep¡ rhfp¡^u fku“p V$u‘p„ ‘uhX$phhpdp„ Aph¡ R>¡. frhhpf sp.29-01-2017 ’u gB 31-01-2017 v$fçep“> lqf^pd k„Ly$g“p âh¡iÜpf ‘pk¡ ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ Üpfp ‘p¡rgep¡ b|’ Mps¡ Apk‘pk“p N°pçe rhõspf“p 160 bpmL$p¡“¡ ‘p¡rgep¡ rhfp¡^u V$u‘p„ A‘phu kfL$pfîu“p ‘p¡rgep¡ “pbyv$u Arcep“dp„ klL$pf Ap‘hpdp„ Apìep¡ lsp¡.