
...Empowerment and Enlightenment of Womanhood

Parents Worship Day - 2017, Rajkot

On Date: 14 February 2017
Activity: Social Care
Location: Rajkot Locationwise

Yogi Mahila Kendra had celebrated “Parent Worship Day” at Yogidham on Tuesday, the 14th February 2017 in the presence of its sadhvi sisters P. Sahajikben, P. Subodhben and elderly lady volunteers in which, 160 girls along with mothers of 56 of them were also present.

In Indian culture, there is a tradition of honouring mother, father and the Guru (teacher). With a view to revive/develop this culture in the youths, this program was organized during which, everybody’s eyes got soaked with tears when they saw the young girls worshiping and doing panchang salutes to their mothers .

While speaking on this occasion, the lady principal of Atmiya Shishu Vidya Mandir said that, as per our Indian culture, when we all worship the things like trees, wind, fire and water, we should realize as to how much respect do the people like these deserve.

While explaining the secret behind the spirit of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakama”, P. Sahajikben said that, it shows to accept and respect each and every member of the family, it is really good that we have worshiped our parents today, but, she said giving related examples that, their real worship is when we try to live our life by keeping them (father-mother and Guru) as the ideals of our life and explained that, one who always keeps good friends and acts with positivity of his 5 senses and sticks to his goal, only succeeds in his life.

All the mothers present there on this occasion had highly praised this activity by Yogi Mahila Kendra as the one spreading real atmiyata in the society and had valued its importance.

ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ Üpfp, ep¡Nu^pd Mps¡ d„Nmhpf, sp.14-02-2017“p fp¡S> “Parent Worship Day” “u DS>hZu L$fhpdp„ Aphu lsu. kpÝhu ‘|.kplÆL$b¡“, ‘|.kybp¡^b¡“ s’p hX$ug drlgp L$pe®L$sp®Ap¡“u D‘[õ’rsdp„ ep¡Åe¡g Ap L$pe®¾$ddp„ 160 eyhsuAp¡A¡ cpN gu^p¡ lsp¡ S>¡dp„ 56 eyhsuAp¡“u dpspAp¡ ‘Z D‘[õ’s flu lsu.

cpfsue k„õL©$rsdp„ dpsp, r‘sp A“¡ NyfyS>“p¡“p¡ Apv$f L$fhp“u ‘f„‘fp R>¡, s¡“¡ ‘y“Æ®rhs L$fu“¡ eyhp he“p k„sp“p¡dp„ s¡d“p hpguAp¡ ‘fÐh¡ Apv$feyL$s ×rô$L$p¡Z L¡$mhpe s¡hp l¡sy’u Ap L$pe®¾$d“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. S>¡dp„ D‘[õ’s kpÝhu bl¡“p¡, hX$ug drlgp L$pe®L$sp®Ap¡ s’p dpspAp¡“y„ Äepf¡ eyhp v$uL$fuAp¡A¡ ‘|S>“ L$fu ‘„QpN¡ âZpd L$ep® Ðepf¡ ApÐduesp A“¡ â¡d’u cf¡gp Ap hpsphfZdp„ D‘[õ’s klº L$p¡B“u Ap„Mdp„ lj®“p Aîy lsp„.

Ap Ahkf¡ gpc Ap‘sp„ ApÐdue riiy rhÛp d„qv$f“p ApQpep® õh[õsL$b¡“¡ L$üy„ L¡$, cpfsue k„õL©$rsdp„ h©n, ‘h“, ‘pZu, Ar‚ S>¡hp sÐhp¡“u ‘Z Å¡ ‘|Å L$fhpdp„ Aphsu lp¡e, sp¡ Æh„s ìe[¼sAp¡“¡ L¡$V$gp¡ Apv$f Ap‘hp¡ Å¡BA¡ s¡ hps kdÅhu lsu.

kpÝhu ‘|.kplÆL$b¡“¡ hky^¥h Ly$Vy$çbL$d¹“u cph“p“y„ lpv$® kdÅhsp„ L$üy„ L¡$, v$f¡L$ ìe[¼s“p¡, ‘qfhpf“p kæe sfuL¡$ Apv$f krls õhuL$pf L$fhp“u iuM Ap cph“p ‘pR>m R>¡. ApS>“p qv$hk¡ dps©-r‘s© ‘|S>“ L$ey¯ s¡ hps Myb kpfu R>¡, ‘f„sy Mfy„ ‘|S>“ sp¡ dpsp-r‘sp A“¡ NyfyS>“p¡“p¡ fp¡Æ„v$p Æh“dp„ Apv$f L$fp¡ A“¡ s¡d“¡ Apv$i® fpMu Æh“ Æhhp dpV¡$ âeГ L$fp¡ s¡ R>¡ s¡ bpbs rhrh^ fus¡ kdÅhu lsu. kp’p¡kp’ kpfp rdÓp¡“p k„Ndp„ flu, ‘p„Q BÞÖuep¡“¡ ‘p¡TuV$uh fpMu, A¡L$pN°sp’u ‘p¡sp“p Ýe¡e“¡ hmNu fl¡“pf ìe[¼s l„d¡ip Æh“dp„ kam ’pe R>¡ s¡ hps D‘[õ’s v$uL$fuAp¡“¡ rhrh^ âk„Np¡ krls kdÅhu lsu.

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