
...Empowerment and Enlightenment of Womanhood

Women Upliftment - 2017, Bhavnagar

On Date: 24 January 2017
Activity: Social Care





Yogi Mahila Kendra had, on Tuesday, the 24th January 2017, organized a meeting for ladies at Kaliyabid in Bhavnagar in the presence of regional sadhvi sisters P. Sahajikben, P. Shahidben and lady volunteers as a part of women empowerment campaign in which, around 75 women had learnt the lessons of self- consciousness.

In the beginning of the sabha, the lady volunteer Meenaben from Bhavnagar informed, giving related examples of educated and bold/courageous ladies that, whenever there has been danger of challenge to the unity and oneness of our nation in the past, the women have always shown their strength/courage and, as mothers, it is our prime duty and responsibility to reach this heritage to our future generations.

The next speaker Shrutiben said that, to maintain our existence and importance as a woman in the existing age of competition, it is inevitable to be fit/capable physically, mentally and spiritually while also keeping pace with the modern trends by learning new things and matters and asserted that, the solution to every domestic problem lies in atmiyata only.

Giving related examples, the next speaker P. Shahidben explained as to how to centralize our energies and use them positively by saying that, if we judge every incident from positive angle only, we won’t be angry, frustrated, upset and there will be no negative feelings as a result of which, we will be able to do our works peacefully and with concentration without losing our cheerfulness.

Speaking in the last, P. Sahajikben said that, nowadays, there has been a heavy attack on our Indian culture by the foreign culture through media on everything right from fashion to our foods under the effects of which, women tend to be equal to men. Although, everything of these is not wrong yet, as an Indian woman, we have got to maintain our status and self-consciousness and to remember our basic duty as a mother even in this modernization to rightly look after our children by giving them the proper training of Indian cultures and to be a part/an instrument in building a mentally and physically strong society and that only will be the real base/foundation of women empowering.

All the participating women had heartily thanked the sadhvi sisters from Yogi Mahila Kendra to give them such valuable understanding and explaining the right meaning of real womanhood.

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