...Empowerment and Enlightenment of Womanhood
The day of 29th September has been observed as the “World Heart Day” since the year 2000 in the entire world. On account of this, Yogi Mahila Kendra, Haridham, Sokhada had organized for ladies/women a public Seminar at, C—43, Ambikanagar Society, Dabhoi on Sunday, the 04/10/2015 in order to increase and to spread the awareness about heart diseases and the ways and means to prevent its spread among the general public in the entire surrounding area/locality/society in which, around 45 ladies/women had participated and acquired the detailed knowledge about the heart diseases and the other related complications .
In this seminar, a video presentation, prepared by Yogi Mahila Kendra, describing the diseases related to the heart and the reasons for receiving the heart attacks and the steps/precautions to prevent them was shown after which, Ms. Devilaben Parekh, (Retired Head Nurse, Govt. Hospital, Dabhoi), while guiding for taking proper care of the heart to keep it healthy and working said that, if we follow the basic and simple principles of exercise, yoga, regular walking and nutritious digestible food while living a tension free life, we can mostly avoid risk of various heart diseases. Thus, from this seminar, all could get basic information for the healthy life.
As a result of the due efforts by Yogi Mahila Kendra, the passes from Baroda Heart Institute for the examination of the heart diseases at nominal/affordable/concessional rates for the deserving/needy people were also made available to them.
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