...Empowerment and Enlightenment of Womanhood
To celebrate the 68th republic day of India in a most memorable way, the lady volunteers, ladies and the girls, around 50 in all, from Yogi Mahila Kendra had advertised the motto, “Cleanliness only is the real patriotism” by cleaning the public roads surrounding Manavdharma Ashram and Avadhut Rly. crossing area in Manjalpur of Vadodara on Thursday, the 26th January 2017 and had spread the message of cleanliness to surrounding people.
Maintaining cleanliness around is a joint responsibility of all but, due to lack of awareness about public health and cleanliness among general people, they create dirtiness all around giving rise to easy spread of infectious diseases causing damage to public health and hence, the sisters/volunteers of Yogi Mahila Kendra had, under the “Clean India Campaign”, tried to spread a message of cleanliness among the general public and to save them from dirtiness on account of republic day.
Under this campaign running from 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm, the sisters had cleaned the public roads around Manavdharma Ashram and Avadhut Rly crossing of Manjalpur in Vadodara and had collected rubbish from bldgs. and open grounds which included empty plastic bottles-water pouches, wrappers of biscuits-wafers, pieces of torn clothes, worn-out tires etc. and destroyed them without damaging the environment while also clearing the small/shallow ditches and had thus, given a message to surrounding people of maintaining cleanliness around them.
In this cleanliness campaign organized under the leadership of lady volunteers of Yogi Mahila Kendra on account of patriotism festival, around 50 other ladies and girls had also joined.
ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ“p 50 S>¡V$gp L$pe®L$sp® bl¡“p¡, drlgpAp¡ A“¡ eyhsuAp¡A¡ cpfs“p 68dp NZs„Ó qv$hk“u epv$Npf fus¡ DS>hZu L$fsp "õhÃR>sp A¡ S> v$¡ic[¼s' k|Ó“p¡ âQpf kapB Arcep““p dpÝed’u L$ep£ lsp¡. Nyfyhpf, sp.26du ÅÞeyApfu, 2017“p fp¡S> hX$p¡v$fp“p dp„S>g‘yf rhõspfdp„ Aph¡g dp“h^d® Apîd A“¡ Ah^|s apV$L$“u Apk ‘pk Aph¡g Ål¡f dpN®“u kapB L$fu“¡ Ap rhõspf“p fl¡hpkuAp¡dp„ õhÃR>sp A„N¡ ÅN©rs a¡gphhp“p¡ âepk L$ep¡® lsp¡.
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kapB Arcep“ A„sN®s bl¡“p¡A¡ c¡Np dmu“¡ hX$p¡v$fp“p dp„S>g‘yf rhõspfdp„ Aph¡g dp“h^d® Apîd A“¡ Ah^|s apV$L$“u Apk ‘pk Aph¡g Ål¡f dpN®“u kapB L$fu lsu. S>¡dp„ Ap fp¡X$ ‘f Aph¡g dL$p“p¡, ‘pL$…N A¡fuep D‘fp„s My‰p ‘X¡$gp àgp¡V$dp„ ‘X¡$gp¡ L$Qfp¡ A¡L$W$p¡ L$fu“¡ s¡“p¡ r“L$pg L$fhpdp„ Apìep¡ lsp¡. b‘p¡f¡ 3:00 L$gpL¡$ iê$ L$fhpdp„ Aph¡g Ap Arcep“ kp„S>¡ 5:00 hpÁep ky^u Qpëey„ lsy„. S>¡dp„ àgpõV$uL$“u Mpgu bp¡V$gp¡, ‘pZu“p ‘pDQ, rbõL$uV$-h¡ak®“p ‘X$uL$p, apV¡$gp L$p‘X$“p L$V$L$p hN¡f¡ A¡L$W$p L$fu s¡“p¡ ‘ep®hfZ“¡ lp“u “ ’pe s¡ fus¡ r“L$pg L$fhpdp„ Apìep¡ lsp¡. kp’p¡kp’ ‘pZu cfpe¡g Mpbp¡QuepAp¡ kpa L$fu Apk‘pk fl¡sp gp¡L$p¡“¡ kapB Åmhhp“p¡ k„v$¡i Apàep¡ lsp¡.