...Empowerment and Enlightenment of Womanhood
Yogi Mahila Kendra had organized a cake making workshop under its “Bake and Earn” program for ladies between 4.30 pm & 6.30 pm at Yogidham, Rajkot on Sunday, the 1st January 2017 in which, Meetaben Shingadiya had taught nearly 250 ladies to make a variety of cakes.
frhhpf, sp.01-01-2017“p fp¡S> kp„S>¡ 4:30 ’u 6:30 v$fçep“ ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ Üpfp ep¡Nu^pd, fpS>L$p¡V$ Mps¡ bl¡“p¡ dpV¡$ "b¡L$ A¡ÞX$ A“®' A„sN®s L¡$L$ d¡L$]N hL®$ip¡‘“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. Ap hL®$ip¡‘dp„ duspb¡“ i]NX$uep Üpfp D‘[õ’s Apif¡ 250 S>¡V$gp bl¡“p¡“¡ rhrh^ ‘°L$pf“u L¡$L$$ b“phsp iuMhpX$hpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„.
Every human being constantly struggles for/is in search of real happiness but, where is it? If he really succeeds in finding it, his struggle/search of totals/multiplications of these zeros can end. Yogi Mahila Kendra, Haridham, Sokhada had organized a seminar on the subject “True Happiness” at Yogidham, Rajkot on 1/1/2017 in which, 3 ladies from Germany, associated with Yogi Mahila Kendra and its sadhvi sisters P. Smitalben, and P. Subodhben also remained present and had made conversations on the subject with around 130 ladies and girls present in this seminar.
dp“hu dpÓ kpQp kyM“u ip¡^dp„ Arhfs k„Oj® L$fsp¡ fl¡ R>¡, ‘f„sy kpQy kyM i¡dp„ R>¡? s¡ Å¡ kdÅe Åe sp¡ i|Þe“p kfhpmp S>¡hu s¡“u Ap epÓp“¡ rhfpd dm¡. ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ Üpfp drlgpAp¡ dpV¡$ "TRUE HAPPINESS" A¡ rhje ‘f A¡L$ k¡rd“pf“y„ Apep¡S>“ 01-01-2017“p fp¡S> ep¡Nu^pd Mps¡ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. k„õ’p“p kpÂhu bl¡“p¡ ‘|.[õdsgb¡“ s’p ‘|.kybp¡^b¡“ D‘fp„s ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ kp’¡ k„L$mpe¡g ÓZ S>d®“ kßpfuAp¡A¡ ‘Z Ap k¡rd“pfdp„ D‘[õ’s flu Apif¡ 130 S>¡V$gp bl¡“p¡ s’p eyhsuAp¡ kp’¡ hpsp®gp‘ L$ep£ lsp¡¡.
Yogi Mahila Kendra, Haridham, Sokhada had, on account of “World AIDS Day”, the 1st Dec, organized a seminar in Yogidham Gurukul, at Rajkot on Tuesday, the 27th Dec 2016 between 4.00 pm & 5.00 pm to spread the information about AIDS among the ladies in which, around 80 ladies from Rajkot city had participated.
rhð A¡BX¹$k qv$hk (sp. 1gu qX$k¡çbf)“¡ A“ygnu“¡, d„Nmhpf, sp.27-12-2016“p fp¡S> b‘p¡f¡ 4:00 ’u 5:00 L$gpL v$fçep“ fpS>L$p¡V$ Mps¡ Aph¡g ep¡Nu^pd NyfyLy$gdp„ ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ Üpfp drlgpAp¡dp„ A¡BX¹$k rhi¡ ÅN©rs a¡gpe s¡ dpV¡$ A¡L$ k¡rd“pf“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. S>¡“p¡ fpS>L$p¡V il¡f“p Apif¡ 80 bl¡“p¡A¡ gpc gu^p¡ lsp¡.
To develop self-consciousness among women under its “Women Awakening Campaign”, Yogi Mahila Kendra had, on Tuesday, the 27th December 2016, organized a shibir in Jasdan in which, around 80 ladies from Jasdan had participated and learnt the lessons of life building from the sadhvi sisters of Yogi Mahila Kendra where P. Sarveshwarben, P. Sahajikben, P. Sahidben, P. Shyamcharanben and other ladies and lady volunteers from the institution were present.
d„Nmhpf, sp.27-12-2016“p fp¡S> drlgp ÅN©rs Arcep“ A„sN®s S>kv$Z Mps¡ ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ Üpfp drlgpAp¡dp„ A[õdsp ÅN©rs dpV¡$ A¡L$ kcp“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. S>kv$Z Npd“p Apif¡ 80 bl¡“p¡ s’p eyhsuAp¡A¡ Ap kcpdp„ cpN gB kpÂhu bl¡“p¡ ‘pk¡’u Æh“ OX$sf“p ‘pW$ iu¿ep„ lsp„. L$pe®¾$ddp„ ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ“p ‘|.kh£ðfb¡“, ‘|.kplÆL$b¡“, ‘|.irlv$b¡“, ‘|.íepdQfZb¡“ s’p AÞe bl¡“p¡ A“¡ drlgp L$pe®L$sp®Ap¡ D‘[õ’s füp„ lsp„.
To develop self-consciousness among women under its “Women Awakening Campaign”, Yogi Mahila Kendra had, on Monday, the 26th December 2016, organized a shibir in Yogidham, Rajkot in which, around 300 ladies from different areas of Rajkot had participated and learnt the lessons of life building from the sadhvi sisters of Yogi Mahila Kendra where P. Sahajikben, P. Subodhben, other ladies and lady volunteers from the institution were present.
kp¡dhpf, sp.26-12-2016“p fp¡S> drlgp ÅN©rs Arcep“ A„sN®s ""ep¡Nu^pd'', fpS>L$p¡V$ Mps¡ ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ Üpfp drlgpAp¡dp„ A[õdsp ÅN©rs dpV¡$ A¡L$ rirbf“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. fpS>L$p¡V$“p rhrh^ rhõspfp¡“p Apif¡ 300 bl¡“p¡ s’p eyhsuAp¡A¡ Ap rirbfdp„ cpN gB ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ“p kpÂhu bl¡“p¡ ‘pk¡’u Æh“ OX$sf“p ‘pW$ iu¿ep„ lsp„. L$pe®¾$ddp„ ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ“p ‘|.kplÆL$b¡“, ‘|.kybp¡^b¡“ s’p AÞe bl¡“p¡ A“¡ drlgp L$pe®L$sp®Ap¡ D‘[õ’s füp„ lsp„.
A seminar on “Good Governance”, the stepping stone for nation’s progress, was organized by Yogi Mahila Kendra on Sunday, the 25th December 2016 in Yogidham, Rajkot in the presence of regional sadhvi sisters of P. Sahajikben and P. Subodhben in which, apart from the city’s leading ladies, nearly 300 other women also participated.
frhhpf, sp.25-12-2016“p fp¡S> ep¡Nu^pd, fpS>L$p¡V$ Mps¡ ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ Üpfp âpv$¡riL$ kpÝhu ‘|.kplÆL$b¡“ s’p ‘|.kybp¡^b¡““u D‘[õ’rsdp„ v$¡i“u âNrs“u Ap^pfiugp - kyipk“ (Good Governance) A¡ rhje ‘f A¡L$ k¡rd“pf“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. fpS>L$p¡V$ il¡f“p drlgp AN°ZuAp¡ krls 300’u h^y bl¡“p¡A¡ Ap k¡rd“pf“p¡ gpc gu^p¡ lsp¡.
The hydro therapy in which, many ailments/diseases are treated with the help of water, has been included in alternative treatment procedures. In order to reach the maximum benefit of this non expensive yet, effective treatment to most of the people as possible, Yogi Mahila Kendra, Haridham, Sokhada had, on Sunday, the 11th Dec 2016, organized a Seminar at Yogidham in Rajkot of which, around 200 ladies had taken benefit where P. Samyakben and Smt. Kishoriben Oza had remained present.
h¥L$[ë‘L$ kpfhpf ‘Â^rsAp¡dp„ S>m rQqL$Ðkp“p¡ kdph¡i ’pe R>¡, S>¡dp„ ‘pZu“u dv$v$’u A“¡L$ fp¡Np¡“p¡ D‘Qpf L$fhpdp„ Aph¡ R>¡. Aphu rb“MQp®m R>sp„ AkfL$pfL$ rQqL$Ðkp ‘Ý^rs“p¡ S>“kdyv$pe“¡ gpc dm¡ s¡hp l¡sy’u ep¡Nudrlgp L¡$ÞÖ Üpfp fpS>L$p¡V$ dyL$pd¡ ep¡Nu^pd Mps¡ frhhpf, sp.11-12-2016“p fp¡S> A¡L$ k¡du“pf“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. Ap k¡du“pf“p¡ Apif¡ 200 S>¡V$gp drlgpAp¡A¡ gpc gu^p¡ lsp¡. Ap âk„N¡ ‘|.kçeL$b¡“ A“¡ îudsu qL$ip¡fub¡“ Ap¡Tp lpS>f füp lsp.