
...Empowerment and Enlightenment of Womanhood

World AIDS Day - 2016, Rajkot

On Date: 27 December 2016
Activity: Medical Care
Location: Rajkot Locationwise

World Health Organization celebrates 1st December as the “World AIDS Day” in the entire world. Rajkot is considered to be the financial capital of Saurashtra and due to the wealthy life-style there, the youths are trapped in the grip of addictions and self-willed life and due to their negligence and lack of care and alertness, the spread of contagious diseases like AIDS increases among them. With an aim/idea of giving proper information about this to the ladies so that they can spread it in the entire society as a whole, Yogi Mahila Kendra, Haridham, Sokha had, on account of “World AIDS Day”, the 1st Dec, organized a seminar in Yogidham Gurukul, at Rajkot on Tuesday, the 27th Dec 2016 between 4.00 pm & 5.00 pm to spread the information about AIDS among the ladies in which, around 80 ladies from Rajkot city had participated.

While addressing the participant ladies in the seminar, Dr. Ruchiben Patel informed them through a presentation about the AIDS and also said, as to how does its virus infect us, what are its symptoms while also informing that the similar symptoms can be observed in other diseases also and advised to face the same instead of being afraid of it and asked to be alert/cautious while going according to the scientific facts instead of prevailing misconceptions and wrong beliefs about it. She also said that, as there is no 100 % treatment or medicine for it now, as per “Alertness is the best safety”, we should be maximum careful in the matter to prevent the spread of it.

At the end of the seminar, the participating ladies said that, they had received the perfect and real knowledge about AIDS here today which has clarified and removed lot of our confusions and doubts about the same hence, we all will do our best to share with/spread it among other ladies in the society to give our cooperation in fighting against the AIDS.

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