
...Empowerment and Enlightenment of Womanhood

World Malaria Day - 2017, Padra

On Date: 17 April 2017

On account of World Malaria Day, Yogi Mahila Kendra had organized a program at Padra on Monday, the 17th April 2017 in which, around 200 ladies were guided to secure a protection from Malaria.

The institution’s lady volunteer Rachitaben had explained that, formerly people used to believe that, Malaria spreads due to contaminated air but, later on, as a result of modern scientific research, it had been proved that, actually it was because of Plasmodium virus carried by female mosquitoes called Anopheles and, to stop the its spread, she advised to stop its breeding by keeping the surroundings of our houses clean, regularly cleaning the waters in our flower pots and air coolers etc. and by keeping water tanks-drums, jars etc. always covered.

The death rate due to Malaria has been substantially reduced as a constant fight against it by WHO and Govt. of India. Moreover, a vaccine has also been tasted recently which shows that, it may totally cure Malaria. When, the WHO has set a target of making the entire world free of Malaria by 2022, through seminars on this subject, Yogi Mahila Kendra also does its best in this direction.

Along with P. Savaniyaben and P. Santdarshanben from Yogi Mahila Kendra P. Shukmuniben also remained present in this program who appealed all the ladies present there to spread the information received here to all other ladies in the society also and thus, help/join in fight against Malaria. Expressing their opinions about the information received in the seminar, the main volunteer ladies of the institution declared their resolution to spread them widely in the society.

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