
...Empowerment and Enlightenment of Womanhood

World AIDS Day - 2016, Netrang

On Date: 13 December 2016

Yogi Mahila Kendra, Haridham, Sokhada had, on account of “World AIDS Day”, the 1st Dec, organized a seminar at Bhaktidham, Netrang on Tuesday, the 13th Dec 2016 in which, around 150 ladies from Netrang and its surrounding villages had participated who were provided detailed information about aids in the presence of P. Shukmuniben, P. Sauhardben and P. Sugnaben.

World Health Organization celebrates 1st December as the “World AIDS Day” in the entire world. Most of the people in Netrang and its surrounding areas are adivasis who depend upon loose/retail/uncertain labour for the maintenance of their families and, the level of education and awareness about health is also found to be low among them. Because of their passion, superstitions and addictions, the infectious diseases are also seen more here. Keeping this fact in mind, to bring awareness about health in the ladies here so that they can alert/awake their gents also, Yogi Mahila Kendra had organized this shibir here in this area.

In this program, P. Sugnaben from Yogi Mahila Kendra had, while giving information about aids, also informed the ladies present here as to how do we get infected by H.I.V. and explained that, after this, the disease resistance power of the body goes on reducing constantly while referring to the medicines for defense from it, she said that, by regularly taking the modern medicines for the same, we can live long even after the attack of H.I.V. and gave real understanding about it, by removing the misunderstandings prevailing in the society in this matter, on the basis of scientific facts.

After this, Dr. Mitalbhai (B.A.M.S.), while giving further information in the matter said that, even in Ayurveda also diseases with the similar symptoms as that of aids are referred to and are called “Ojakshay”. The condition in which, the body loses its efficiency (Satva) is called Ojakshay. In aids, such a position comes due to an attack by the external virus the main reason for which, is understood to be unethical sexual relations and said that, it is hence, advisable and in our own interest only to follow the system of a single wife preached by our scriptures and by quoting “alertness only is the safety” he explained as to how to be safe from aids.

Remaining present on this occasion, the leaders like Smt. Jayaben (Tal. President, Netrang), Dr. Divyaben Chowdhary (B.A.M.S.), Smt. Urmilaben, Smt. Chanchalben and the workers from the institution had pushed up the enthusiasm of the ladies in the seminar.

While welcoming and highly appreciating this efforts by Yogi Mahila Kendra, the participating ladies accepted that, till today, they never received such knowledge/information from anywhere due to which, many of them had been victims of aids and resolved to spread the same in the society for other ladies.

rhð A¡BX¹$k qv$hk (sp. 1gu qX$k¡çbf)“¡ A“ygnu“¡, d„Nmhpf, sp.13-12-2016“p fp¡S> c[¼s^pd, “¡Ó„N Mps¡ ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ Üpfp drlgpAp¡dp„ A¡BX¹$k rhi¡ ÅN©rs a¡gphhp dpV¡$ A¡L$ k¡rd“pf“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„. S>¡“p¡ “¡Ó„N s’p Apk‘pk“p Npdp¡“p Apif¡ 150 S>¡V$gp bl¡“p¡A¡ gpc gu^p¡ lsp¡. Ap L$pe®¾$ddp„ ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ“p ‘|.iyL$dyr“b¡“, ‘|.kp¥lpv$®b¡“ s’p ‘|.kyopb¡“ D‘[õ’s füp lsp.

hëX®$ l¡ë’ Ap¡N£“pBT¡i“ Üpfp 1gu qX$k¡çbf“p qv$hk“¡ rhðcfdp„ "rhð A¡BX¹$k qv$hk' sfuL¡$ DS>hhpdp„ Aph¡ R>¡. “¡¡Ó„N s’p Apk‘pk“p¡ rhõspf Nfub Apqv$hpkuAp¡“u blºdsu ^fphsp¡ rhõspf R>¡. Ap rhõspfdp„ dp¡V$p cpN“p gp¡L$p¡ Ry>V$L$ dSy>fu L$fu“¡ NyS>fp“ Qgph¡ R>¡ Ðepf¡, s¡Ap¡dp„ rinZ s’p Apfp¡Áe A„N¡ ÅN©rs“y„ ‘°dpZ OÏ„ Ap¡Ry>„ Å¡hp dm¡ R>¡. rhje, ìek“ A“¡ hl¡d“p ‘qfZpd¡ Q¡‘u fp¡Np¡“y„ âdpZ Al] h^y v$¡Mpe R>¡. Ap bpbs“¡ gÿedp„ fpMu“¡ Ap rhõspf“p bl¡“p¡“¡ Å¡ Apfp¡Áe A„N¡ ÅN©s L$fhpdp„ Aph¡ sp¡ Ap S> bl¡“p¡ s¡d“p ‘qfhpf“p ‘yfyjp¡“¡ kÅN L$fu iL¡$ Aphp l¡sy’u ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ Üpfp Ap L$pe®¾$d“y„ Apep¡S>“ L$fhpdp„ Apìey„ lsy„.

L$pe®¾$ddp„ ep¡Nu drlgp L¡$ÞÖ“p ‘|.kyopbl¡“¡ D‘rõ’s bl¡“p¡“¡ A¡BX¹$k rhi¡ ÅZL$pfu Ap‘sp„ A¡ hpefk“p¡ Q¡‘ L¡$hu fus¡ gpN¡ R>¡ s¡ rhi¡ dprlsu ‘yfu ‘pX$u lsu. Ap D‘fp„s Ap hpefk“p Q¡‘ ‘R>u ifuf“u fp¡NârsL$pfL$ i[¼s Ap¡R>u ’su Åe R>¡ s¡ hps kdÅhu s¡“p’u bQhp dpV¡$ D‘gå^ v$hpAp¡“p¡ D‰¡M L$fu S>Zpìey„ lsy„ L¡$ r“erds fus¡ Ap^yr“L$ v$hpAp¡“p k¡h“’u A¡ hpefk“p k„¾$dZ ‘R>u ‘Z gp„bp¡ kde ky^u õhõ’ fus¡ Æh“ Æhu iL$pe R>¡. Ap D‘fp„s kdpS>dp„ ìep‘L$ N¡fdpÞespAp¡“y„ h¥opr“L$ lL$uL$sp¡“p Ap^pf¡ M„X$“ L$fu klº bl¡“p¡“¡ kpQu kdS>Z Ap‘u lsu.

‘|.kyopbl¡“¡ gpc Apàep„ ‘R>u AÓ¡ D‘[õ’s X$p¸.rdsgcpB (B.A.M.S) A¡ h^y dprlsu Ap‘sp„ hps L$fu lsu L¡$ Apeyh¡®v$dp„ ‘Z A¡BX¹$k S>¡hp gnZp¡ ^fphsp fp¡Np¡“p hZ®“ Å¡hp dm¡ R>¡, S>¡“¡ Ap¡S>ne A¡hy„ “pd A‘pe¡g R>¡. A“yrQs Aplpf rhlpf“¡ gu^¡ ifuf ‘p¡sp“y„ kÐh Nydphu b¡k¡, s¡ Ahõ’p“¡ Ap¡S>ne L$l¡g R>¡. A¡BX¹$kdp„ bpü hpefk“p k„¾$dZ“¡ gu^¡ Aphu Ahõ’p Aph¡ R>¡, S>¡“y„ dlÐh“y„ L$pfZ A“¥rsL$ k„b„^p¡ Å¡hpdp„ Apìey„ R>¡. Ðepf¡ A¡L$ ‘[ГÐh“u S>¡ ipõÓp¡¼s â’p R>¡ s¡“¡ Mfu fus¡ A“ykfhpdp„ S> cgpB R>¡ s¡ hps kdÅhu lsu. kp’p¡kp’ A¡BX¹$k’u bQhp kph^p“ fl¡hy„ Ars AphíeL$ R>¡ s¡ hps kphQ¡su A¡S> kgpdsu k|Ó Üpfp hZ®hu lsu.

Ap Ahkf¡ îu S>epb¡“ (spgyL$p âdyMîu, “¡Ó„N), X$p¸. qv$ìepb¡“ Qp¥^fu (B.A.M.S.), îu Drd®gpb¡“, îu Q„Qmb¡“ S>¡hp drlgp AN°ZuAp¡ s’p k„õ’p“p L$pe®L$sp®Ap¡A¡ ‘Z D‘[õ’s flu“¡, k¡rd“pfdp„ Aph¡g drlgpAp¡“p¡ DÐkpl h^pfu l|„a ‘|fu ‘pX$u lsu.

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