
...Empowerment and Enlightenment of Womanhood

World AIDS Day - 2016, Nadiad

On Date: 31 December 2016

Yogi Mahila Kendra, Haridham, Sokhada had, on account of “World AIDS Day”, the 1st Dec, organized a seminar in the assembly hall of Sharda Mandir High School at Nadiad on Saturday, the 31st Dec 2016 to spread the information about AIDS among the ladies in which, around 45 ladies from Nadiad city and surrounding areas had participated.

In this seminar, the supervisor of Nadiad Public Health Center Sri Rakeshbhai Shah had, through a presentation, informed all the ladies present there about AIDS in very simple language. While explaining about the reasons, symptoms and treatment for infection of H.I.V. virus with the help of related pictures and figures, he had also explained the steps to be taken for being saved from it and had alerted for the same. Even today, when the modern science also doesn’t have 100 % cure for AIDS, he explained the slogan “Awareness is the only Safety” and advised all to be more and more helpful in spreading the awareness about prevention of the spread of AIDS in the society.

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