...Empowerment and Enlightenment of Womanhood
World Health Organization celebrates 1st December as the “World AIDS Day” in the entire world. Yogi Divine Society constantly works at different levels in the society to preserve good health among the people. As a part of this activity, Yogi Mahila Kendra, Haridham, Sokhada had, on account of “World AIDS Day”, the 1st Dec, organized a seminar in Atmiya Sanskar Kendra of Joshipura area in Junagadh on Thursday, the 29th Dec 2016 to spread the information about AIDS among the ladies in which, around 40 ladies from Joshipura and surrounding areas had participated.
The institution’s lady Volunteer Dr. Ektaben Chapala had started the program with a presentation on the screen with the help of a projector in which, it was shown/explained as to how does a H.I.V. virus enter the body and how does it spread and get transformed in to AIDS while also informing about the deadliness of it and what steps to take to be secure from it. She also informed that, as on today, there is since no cure of it, the alertness against it is the only safety and hence also advised all to be alert in the matter.
The institution had made an effort to bring/spread awareness about AIDS in the public of Joshipura area which, all the participating ladies had whole heartly appreciated and termed it as the most useful.
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