
...Empowerment and Enlightenment of Womanhood

Medical Van - In the Service of Humanity, Haridham

On Date: 08 January 2017




An additional work/service towards the improvement in the health of the poor and backward/neglected people of very remote areas of villages of Gujarat at their door steps through this free medical mobile van was started by Yogi Mahila Kendra under the name of “Mobile Dispensary”. The program of dedication of this institution’s 1st medical mobile van was arranged on Sunday, the 8th January 2017 at Haridham, Sokhada by Yogi Mahila Kendra at the hands of and in the presence of its spiritual head sadhvi P. Suhrad (P. Premben), Smt. Ranjanben Bhatt (Min, Vadodara), Smt. Vasuben Trivedi (MLA, Jamnagar), Smt. Jyotiben Pandya (President, Mahila Morcha, Guj.) in the presence of nearly 5000 ladies.

Today, even after 7 decades of independence, the primary health services are not available in the interior parts of villages in India and, because of their weak and poor financial conditions, the lac of laborers and the peoples working in the farms and the tribes there can’t afford to go to cities to get the badly/urgently required medical facilities/services. Considering this situation, Yogi Mahila Kendra had dedicated this Medical Mobile Van in the services of the general public.

In this mobile medical van, there always will remain the appointed staff of 3 persons i.e. one highly qualified and experienced doctor, one assistance and one driver who will visit door to door to check-up/diagnose the patients from the poor people in the remote villages and give them the required proper medicines also free of cost and, with the help of these van, the work of guiding for and raising the awareness about health in the public on declared health days will also be done.

On this occasion, the prominent and well known leading personalities like Smt. Ranjanben Bhatt (Min, Vadodara), Smt. Vasuben Trivedi (MLA, Jamnagar), Smt. Jyotiben Pandya (President, Mahila Morcha, Guj.) from the society as well as Dr. Shahenshah Kanthariya (ENT surgeon, Munisevashram, Gorej), Dr. Leenaben Vadera (Ortho-Sports, Physiotherapist), Dr. Tasvin K. Sinh (Dental Surgeon, Vadodara) and Dr. Aartiben Pandya (Ayurvedacharya), leading personalities from the medical field also remained present.

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