
...Empowerment and Enlightenment of Womanhood

Physiotherapy Seminar - 2016, Bharuch

On Date: 18 December 2016

A practical demonstration to cure the pain in the spinal cord and on the knees through the physiotherapy treatment was made by Dr. Asmitaben Kharwa in the Assembly Hall of Sarvanaman Vidya Mandir at Bharuch on Sunday, the 18th Dec 2016 in a program organized by Yogi Mahila Kendra, Haridham, Sokhada in the presence of the regional sadhvi sisters P. Sahajben and P. Sarvajitben in which, around 115 ladies had participated and had received the knowledge of maintaining good health with the help of this therapy.

In the physiotherapy treatment system, through certain/proper types of exercises, the pain in the joints, spinal cord and muscles is cured by trying to remove the pressures there. The expert in this field, Dr. Asmitaben Kharwa, assisted by the volunteer sisters, had shown/informed to the ladies present there as to how to get relieved from the pain on different joints. She also informed that, generally a pain on the knees is noticed in the ladies at older age and, due to improper style/habit of sitting down/standing up, the spinal cord loses its elasticity as result of which, the pain is developed in the back and waist also.

Taking help from the volunteer sisters, she had demonstrated as to how to remove the pains from different parts of the body. She, during the seminar, said that, this is an inexpensive system of treatment in which, for the normal/general pains, one can do the treatment his own-self and, if done regularly as per the guidance from an expert, the pains can be removed/cured up to a great extent but yes, in certain cases, a special types of a few instruments are required.

At the end of the seminar, while thanking Dr. Asmitaben, P. Sahajben advised all the participant ladies to adopt and take the maximum advantage of this totally cost-free/inexpensive therapy to get rid of their general body pains.

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