
...Empowerment and Enlightenment of Womanhood

World AIDS Day - 2016, Surat

On Date: 18 December 2016
Activity: Medical Care
Location: Surat Locationwise

Yogi Mahila Kendra, Haridham, Sokhada had, on account of “World AIDS Day”, the 1st Dec, organized a seminar in Leuva Patidar Samaj Wadi, Surat on Sunday, the 18th Dec 2016 between 3.00 pm & 4.00 pm to spread the information about AIDS among ladies, in the presence of institution’s sadhvi sisters P. Sarveshwarben, P. Sahajikben, P. Sagarben, P. Saralben, P. Smitalben, P. Smitben, P. Sadhuramben, the other sisters and the lady Volunteers in which, around 1600 ladies from the surrounding areas participated.

World Health Organization celebrates 1st December as the “World AIDS Day” in the entire world. Surat is a developed Metro City of Gujarat where, many people from different provinces from the entire country have come and settled for their livelihood and, the maximum cases of AIDS in Gujarat are also registered in Surat Dist. only. Keeping this fact in mind and that, if the ladies from Surat are given sufficient and proper knowledge about AIDS and if they spread it in their families and among others in the streets, the battle against AIDS can be won to a great extent, Yogi Mahila Kendra had arranged this shibir.

An effort was made by Yogi Mahila Kendra to develop an awareness about the fight against AIDS by ting a red colored ribbon with the sign/symbol of AIDS on the shoulder of every woman entering the hall.

While giving information with the help of a presentation about the AIDS to the ladies present in the shibir, Dr. Arpitben Vachhani provided full details as to how we get infected by the virus of H.I.V. and said that, though there is no cure for it, we can only stop the spread of AIDS with the help of modern and latest medicines for it and many patients of AIDS tend to commit suicide also who very badly need our sympathy, psychological pacification, family’s warmth and social support to prompt them to forget their disease. Based on scientific facts, she also removed many misconceptions/misunderstandings about AIDS prevailing in the society.

Speaking at the end of the shibir, the regional sadhvi of Shrihari Pradesh said that, all the limitations set by our scriptures are very thoughtful and, if we live ignoring them, it will amount to inviting the diseases by ourselves only so, the only thing that, all the ladies present here convey this fact to their families and the children and inspire them to live a discretionary life must be the resolution for today’s awareness for AIDS.

Every lady participating in this seminar organized by Yogi Mahila Kendra got the most important information about AIDS and while thanking the institution for the same, vowed to spread the same in her own family and in the entire society.

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